Compulsive Overeating

Compulsive over eating is an eating disorder wherein food becomes an obsession. Compulsive over eaters tend to eat to hide their emotions. They eat when they are feeling depressed, happy, anxious, and angry or any kind of emotion. Self- control is the biggest problem of compulsive over eaters. Stopping for them is a very hard thing to do, it’s like you are trying to remove a life support in a sick individual. They are usually overweight or obese.

So the tendency is that people would criticize their appearance, which would bring depression to them causing them to eat more and gain more weight, which, of course would only worsen their condition. Because compulsive over eaters can’t control them selves from eating, there is a great threat to their health. Some of the health risks are “heart attack, high blood pressure and cholesterol, kidney diseases, arthritis and bone deterioration, and stroke” (“Compulsive Overeating 2008). Binge Eating disorder The most common among eating disorders among men and women is the binge eating disorder.

However, the only underlying difference is that men doesn’t usually feel that guilty compared to women (ANRED 2008) Binge eating disorder is somehow similar to that of Compulsive overeating and Bulimia. Here the person also eats more than what should be consumed, and in a small time interval. The person with this eating disorder is overweight and is prone to diseases like those with compulsive overeating disorder. This is due to many factors, one possibility is coping with emotions. Usually, depression and anger causes this behavior. Another is to punish one’s self. They do it so that people will not like them (“Binge Eating Disorder 2008).

Pica The above mentioned eating disorders are the ones that are mostly known. Pica on the other hand is often misunderstood. It is characterized by an uncontrollable craving for non-food items. These includes rust, cigarette ash, glue and the like. Because there is an intake of non-food items, there is a great possibility that it can be hazardous. Mental deficiencies, mineral deficiencies and even causes developmental retardation are often linked with this disorder. This is often connected with psychological problems, or sometimes, the familial status (“Pica” 2008). Body Dysmorphic Disorder

This disorder is concerned with how the person perceives himself. A person suffering from Body Dysmorphic Disorder sees themselves as an ugly individual. They spend more time in the mirror trying to convince others how ugly they look like. This comes in two type: the delusional and non-delusional. In delusional type, people actually have hallucinations of ugliness in their selves. This disorder leads to severe depression and in extreme cases, suicide (“Body Dysmorphic Disorder” 2008). Bigorexia Bigorexia is an eating disorder caused by discontentment with one’s body- Men especially.

With the ‘wolverine action figure’ that is on its existence now, men are really striving to attain that huge muscles in their bodies. People with this disorder often alter their diet with high protein meals and sometimes takes steroids. They usually think that their body is too small so they habitually go to gym and over exercise in order to attain the body they like. Weight lifting is often the solution. A person with this disorder doesn’t care whether their body is suffering. Even if their bodies surrender, they will still go back to what they are doing (“Bigorexia” 2008).

A typical Compulsive overeater will binge at least twice a week for several months. The amount of food used during their binges is tremendous. A typical binge could consist of an entire cake, a gallon of ice cream and some …

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