Complications Of The Procedure

Many surgical complications can arise due to this surgical procedure. These can be divided into early and late complications. The early complications comprise of anastomotic leak, pulmonary embolism, wound infection, gastrointestinal hemorrhage, respiratory insufficiency and mortality. The late complications of the procedure include incisional hernia, bowel obstruction, internal hernia, stomal stenosis, micronutrient deficiencies and marginal ulcer formation. One of the most known complications of this procedure is the extraluminal leak. This is of concern as it may affect the morbidity and even the mortality of the patient.

Therefore after the completion of the surgery, the patient is advised to come for a follow-up and radiological procedures should be carried out to ensure that no complications are taking place. (Carucci et al, pp. 125) Other complications of the procedure include pouch stretching, band erosion, breakdown of staple lines and nutritional deficiencies. Another can be the formation of the dumping syndrome in the patient, which cause rapid movement of the stomach contents through the GIT. Therefore for most of these patients, nutritional supplementation becomes necessary for the future. (WebMD, N. P. )

The cons of the procedure include urinary tract infection, bowel obstruction, stomach outlet obstruction, chronic nutritional problems, protein, vitamin and mineral deficiency, nausea, food intolerance, transient hair loss, and loss of muscle mass. The final decision therefore must be taken after full consideration of the various factors. (All About Life Changes, N. P. ) CONCLUSION: Obesity has become one of the biggest problems in health in the 21st century. Methods to reduce it are varied and have different results based on the individual. However, no method can be stated to be a guarantee to keeping weight off permanently.

The introduction of bariatric surgery is an ideal option for patients who have failed in reducing weight through other measures. Now due to introduction of newer techniques that are less invasive, the results achieved are very promising.

Works Cited All About Life Changes. Pros and Cons of Gastric Bypass Surgery. Site last accessed on November 20th, 2007 from http://www. allaboutlifechallenges. org/pros-and-cons-of-gastric-bypass-surgery-faq. htm Beyond Change, 2005. A History of Operations for Morbid Obesity. Site last accessed on November 20th, 2007 from http://www. beyondchange-obesity. com/medicalMatters/historyOfTheOperations. html

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