Comparison Of Health Systems

A health care system is an organisation to deliver health care. There are many variations of health care systems around the world. The goals for health systems are good health, responsiveness to the expectations of the population, and fair financial contribution. In other words health care systems should have a quality, efficiency and acceptability on one dimension and equity on another. Canada’s health care system is a group of socialized health insurance plans that provides coverage to all Canadian citizens. It is publicly funded and administered on a provincial or territorial basis, within guidelines set by the federal government.

Under the health care system, individual citizens are provided preventative care and medical treatments from primary care physicians as well as access to hospitals, dental surgery and additional medical services. With a few exceptions, all citizens qualify for health coverage regardless of medical history, personal income, or standard of living. Health Minister Allan Rock was questioned why the Ontario Government continues to be reluctant to work with the Government of Canada and other governments to renew Canada’s health care system, but instead is focused on personal attacks.

In the UK there are three separate but co-operating National Health Service of Scotland, Northern Ireland, England, and Wales. These health care services provide free physician and hospital services to all permanent residents of the United Kingdom. Hospital staff are salaried employees according to nationally agreed contracts, whilst primary care is largely provided by independent practices, who are paid, again via a nationally agreed contract, according to the number of patients registered with them and the range of additional services offered. (Fletcher, 2005) Nearly around 86% of prescriptions are provided free.

Prescriptions are provided free to people who satisfy certain criteria such as low income or permanent disabilities. People that pay for prescriptions do not pay the full cost. For example, in 2007, most people will pay a flat fee of ? 6. 85 ( €10. 16, US$ 13. 76) for a single drug prescription regardless of the cost (average cost to the health service was ? 11. 10–about €16. 70, US$20. 40–in 2002). (Charges are lower in Wales, and the administration there is committed to their eventual elimination. ) Funding comes from general taxation. Private health services are also available.

Private health care continues parallel to the NHS, paid for largely by private insurance, but it is used only by a small percentage of the population, and generally as a supplement to NHS services. (IMF, 2007) It is required for every one to need medication in health care at some point in their lives. When it is required, patients has to provide with proper medication and health care services Whether you’re dealing with over the counter or prescription medication, the information about these drugs or proper facilities is necessary for its own shake, can be quite overwhelming.

From allergy to paternalistic, altruistic medication to psychiatric medication to pet medication, this website will get you started in your research. But remember; always speak to your doctor or pharmacist before beginning new medications. Patients should not make decisions on there own health when they are ill for that they should rather go for prescribed health care diagnose. In Economics, the production and distribution of goods and services is defined as anything that anyone wants or needs. Services would be the performance of any duties or work for another; helpful or professional activity.

The distribution of goods and services is referred to as marketing. The marketing of goods and services can add almost as much to the cost as the actual manufacturing of the goods. There are many different kinds of goods. Consumer goods here in the healthcare unit are very much different between goods and services such as food and clothing that satisfy human wants or needs. Healthcare unit is needed and demanded. Producer goods are those such as raw materials and tools, used to make consumer goods. Capital goods such machinery, used in the production of commodities. (Lamb, 2004) Purely private enterprise health care systems are available.

But these countries with a majority-private health care system with residual public service The other major models are public insurance systems: Social health care model, where workers and their families are insured by the State. Publicity funded health care model, where the residents of the country are insured by the State. Social health insurance, that the whole population or most of the population is a member of a sickness is insured by the insurance company. (King, 2006) In Canada the Healthcare Act prohibits private for profit healthcare. The scale, extent, and funding of these private systems is very variable.

The term is often used in Canadian health discussions where the debate over two-tier health care has long been central. Moving to a two-tier system is supported by conservative think tank such as the Fraser Institute. The potential for profits has created a strong lobby in the health industry, which is today confined to the periphery. In both the country with a government health care system a parallel private system is allowed to operate. The similarities is sometimes referred to as two –tired health care system, is a form of national health care system that is used in these two developed countries.

It is a system in which a guaranteed public health care system exists, but where a private system operates in parallel competition. The private system has the benefit of shorter waiting times and more luxurious treatment, but costs far more than the public one for patients. Thus there are two tiers of health care, one for the public at large and another for those who can afford to pay for better care. Some advanced countries in the world have two-tier primary health care to varying degrees.

Last to conclude that the Health Systems and Health Policy between Canada and England are very similar because they really care for the patient needs. (Kar, 2006)


Fletcher, R; (2005); Principals: Beliefs and Knowledge; Believing and Knowing; Dunedin: Howard & Price IMF; 2007; Reports: 2006-2007; Paris: ADM Press Kar, P; (2006); History of Health Care Economics and Related Applications; Kolkata: Dasgupta & Chatterjee King, H; (2006); Management Principals Today; Auckland: HBT & Brooks Ltd Lamb, D; (2004); Cult to Culture: The Development of Civilization on the Strategic Strata; Wellington: National Book Trust

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