Compare and contrast disabled childrens treatment

Disabled children is a broad category which comprises children dealing with various functionally impairing health problems dealing with sense perception, mobility, mental faculties etc. There is invariably a large chunk of population in every country including US that falls in this category. US government has a relatively better equipped financal system in place to deal with the healthcare and proper social upbringing of disabled children as compared to the rest of the world.

“World over the education for disabled children is in disarray. Disabled children make up a third of the 77 million children worldwide who are excluded from education – equivalent to twice the number of children living in Britain. ” (Gathia, 2008) “In many countries, physical disabilities are considered shameful, and children born with disabilities are sometimes mistreated or abandoned by their families. An estimated 97% of disabled children in developing countres are denied even the most rudimentary rehabilitation services.

”(ALTSO, 2008) Peopl in some places have a mindset that a child is born disabled because of the evils committed in the past lives and therefore, no eforts are made to improve the life of the child to reduce his sufering and bring him into mainstream society as he grows older. US on the other hand tend to provide a lot of facilities and services to disabled children in an atempt to improve their lives. “Supplemental Security Income (SSI) makes monthly payments to people with low income and limited resources who are 65 or older, or blind or disabled.

Your child under age 18 can qualify if he or she meets Social Security’s definition of disability for children, and if his or her income and resources fall within the eligibility limits. ”(SSO, 2009) High doctr to patient ratio in the US tends to provide bettr health care to the disabled children with adequate facilities available for their counselling. Awareness regarding these issues prevents taboo regarding disability in US in most places. But recent studies have found that scenario of disabled children may not be as positive as perceived in US.

“The UNC study found that overall, families across all income levels who are raising disabled childrn are significantly more challenged by food, housing and health issues compared to families without disabled children. Many also struggled to pay their phone bills. ”(UNC, 2008) On the other hand, many organisations like CURE are pitching their best efforts to promote the cause of health of disabled children in develping and third world countries. “CURE’s Children’s Hospital in Mbale has established the world’s largest study and training program for the effective treatmnt of hydrocephalus.

”(GPC, 2003) Many centres have been established in countries like Kenya, Uganda, India etc. to promote the treatment of disabled children and prevent further damage to their health. So all in all, the scenario of treatment of disabled children is better in US compared to the developing world but still a lot needs to be done throughout the world to promote their cause and make earth a better place for them to live in.


A Leg To Stand On (2008). Our vision. Retrieved from http://www. altso. org/OUR_PROGRAM/our_program. html Gathia, Joseph (2008, Jun 21). Education of disabled children in India. Merinews. Retrieved from http://www.merinews. com/catFull. jsp? articleID=136123Global Philanthropists Circle (2003, Oct-Nov).

Bringing Hope and Healing to Disabled Children. Global Giving Matters. Retrieved from http://www. synergos. org/globalgivingmatters/features/0311harrison. htm Social Security Online (2009, Jan). Benefits for children with disabilities. Electronic Booklet. Retrieved from http://www. ssa. gov/pubs/10026. html University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (2008, August 20). ‘Chilling’ Hardship Rates Among Families Raising Disabled Children. ScienceDaily. Retrieved January 12, 2009, from http://www. sciencedaily. com¬ /releases/2008/08/080818184259. htm

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