Community Health Informant

Record the data you collect into the following tables. The tables will expand as you type.

National Health Objective:
Physical Activity and Fitness
Date and time interview was conducted. Note if it is phone or face-to-face.
26th April 2010
Provide brief description of person interviewed (e.g. person with disease, family member, care provider, etc.).
The informant is a health care provider (RN, Phd) who is a member of the American Diabetics Association. She works in the diabetic clinic in the community providing care to diabetic patients, health education and also provides referrals.

Assessment Criteria
Needs to Address
Individual’s description of his/her roles and responsibilities related to the health objective you are studying
Direct patient care

Providing health education on diabetics and role of physical activity

Referral services

More education on spontaneous physical activity

Ways the individual thinks they are affected by the national health concern
Diabetes is one of the conditions that are managed by increasing physical activity. Increasing physical activity will therefore lead to better outcomes for diabetes patients
The objective focuses on leisure time activity only. It needs to include spontaneous activity too
Information about others in the county that might have or be at risk for this National Health Objective
The activity levels of adults

The activity levels of diagnosed diabetes patients
The activity levels of those at risk for developing diabetes
Strengths, limitations, barriers, and gaps present in the “attention” given to the selected health concern in the county
Efficient referral services

Good support network

Present physical fitness education program
Greater access to safe and convenient exercise

What aggregate needs are being met?
Physical exercise needs for those at risk for example diabetics as they are already on exercise programs
Assisting people to make goals for physical activity and identifying how these goals will be reached
What aggregate needs are not being met?
Physical exercise needs for those who are well but need to exercise

Ways of incorporating physical exercise in activities of daily living
Placing emphasis on spontaneous activity for those who may not necessarily be ill
What forms of partnerships or collaborations affect this health objective? What is working well? What else needs to be done?
Partnerships with schools, hospitals

Patnerships with politicians and prominent community people to support programs and serve as role models
Sustaining the partnerships and ensuring new ones are formed for more effective health education and promotion
What is the local perception about the selected National Health Objective? Is this viewed as a problem that people should be concerned about? Is enough being done in this community?
The objective is necessary, and relevant. It needs to be written in more positive language
The language o f the objective,

Putting in place more objective measures for the objective

Additional Comments:

Based upon what you have learned during this course about the selected National Health Objective, what conclusions can be drawn about this problem in your county and the things being done? What else needs to be done?

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