Colon Cancer

As a newly grad nurse, I would like to know regarding my work. I would take hold of the new concepts in addition to try to bring my fresh ideas into realism. My experimental nature would let me to play with my thoughts. Accordingly, I would get reputation in this very field. SKILLS: * Deep knowledge of computer skills such as word, power point, excel, outlook etc. * Strong ability to read heart beat, blood pressure, all basic examination and assessments * In-depth knowledge of the medical terminology * Know the working of all basic medical instrument.

* Able to handle the people very calmly and effectively * Exceptionally good in interpersonal and communication skills * Handle the queries and problems very efficiently and resolve them. SEMINARS/TRAININGS ATTENDED: * Basic Leadership Training. Red Cross Youth Chapter May 24, 2007 * Basic Life Support (CPR) First Aid, Red Cross Youth Chapter, January 28,2009 * Duas Caras, Approaches in Managing patient with Psychiatric Behaviors. Kalantiao Hall, Sarabia Manor Hotel, November 24, 2012. * Hosted the seminar entitled “Road Under Construction” regarding Colon Cancer, January 18, 2013.

Iloilo Doctors’ College, West Avenue, Molo, Iloilo City. * Attended the seminar entitled “baby’s out of the crib” regarding ectopic pregnancy, January 22, 2013. Iloilo Doctors’ College, West Avenue, Molo, Iloilo City. EDUCATION Tertiary Bachelor of Science in Nursing Iloilo Doctors’ College. Year:2008-2013 References: Dr. Antonina Bernardina Caspe Dermatologist, general surgeon. Iloilo City, Philippines (09209253961) Dr. Rona M. Blanca Public Health Dentist Zarraga, Iloilo, Philippines (09197303614).

Christell Marquez Sulatra Rizal Ilaya St., Cabatuan, Iloilo, Philippines 5031 +639477426539, (033)333 5170 Christell_flip@yahoo. com February 5, 2013, 2013 Mrs. Helen G. Caton RN Nursing Director Iloilo Doctors’ Hospital West Avenue, Molo, Iloilo City Dear Madam: It is with great and supreme regret that I inform you that I will be leaving from my job as a volunteered nurse with Iloilo Doctors’ Hospital, effective july 15, 2013. Please accept this letter as my formal notice of resignation. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, although I will try to make the transition as streamlined as possible.

In addition, I want to express good luck and thanks to the staff at Iloilo Doctors’ Hospital. I have been rewarded by my experience of working at this facility which has enabled me to foster new skills in the field of health care. While I have been happy working here, I still feel I must accept the future opportunity, which will help me steadily advance in my career. Nevertheless, I will always be grateful for the experience and skills that I have acquired while working at Iloilo Doctors’ Hospital. I only decided to leave this facility after a good deal of contemplation and consideration.

Because I want to advance in my career, I have accepted a job as charge nurse with my new employer. I’ve taken the job then to help me expand my experience and skills in the health care field. I wish you and the staff continued success and also want to thank you for permitting me to provide my services here at this facility. To effect a smooth transition from this role to the next, I’m requesting that I be allowed to leave as soon as possible to start my new position. Again, thank you for your assistance and support during my tenure. I wish you the best for the future.

Sincerely Thank, Christell Marquez Sulatra Christell M. Sulatra, BSN Rizal Ilaya St. , Cabatuan,Iloilo +639477426539, (033) 333-5170 Christell_flip@yahoo. com February 5, 2013 Mrs. Helen G. Caton RN Nursing Director Iloilo Doctors’ Hospital West Avenue, Molo, Iloilo City Dear Sir/Madam: Greetings! Herewith my resume, this letter of intent indicates my interest and willingness to apply as a volunteer nurse in your institution. I would like to undertake such opportunity to further develop and hone the nursing skills I have acquired over the past years in nursing school.

I am deeply interested in rendering volunteer service in Iloilo doctors’ Hospital because of its fine reputation as a tertiary hospital. It would certainly help round out my nursing skills and experiences. I look forward to work with you in the future and contribute effectively to your institutional goals. I recived a degree in Bachelor of Science in Nursing from one of the respected school in Iloilo, Philippines, Iloilo Doctors’ College. I was able to complete the required Related Learning Experiences.

I am energetic and hardworking with the ability to adapt to the environment easily, have excellent communication and demonstration skills. You will find my additional qualifications in my resume. I would like to develop and enhance more of my skills as a professional nurse in your institution madam. It has come to my realization that it would prove more helpful in my career if I’ll try to explore other challenging work opportunities, where I could be better able to utilize my skills and abilities, and at the same time welcome a novel learning process.

This will be possible if I will enter in your prestigious institution. I am hoping that my experiences with your institution will shape me to a more responsible and service- oriented professional. Thank you very much for your time and consideration. Respectfully, Christell Marquez Sulatra Reaction: Cancer is considered a genetic disease. Cancer is a group of abnormal cells, known as a tumor, that grow uncontrollably. ‘ Cancerous tumors invade and destroy surrounding tissue. Cancer is named according to the type of organ tissue from which it develops.

Nearly eight million people, worldwide, get different types of cancer every year. Colon cancer is the second most common cancer death in the United States. Colon cancer, also known as colorectal cancer, arises in the lining of the large intestine and rectum. ‘ The colon and rectum are apart of the digestive system. Their main function is to remove wastes from the body and absorb water and other types of nutrients. There are four layers of the colorectal wall. These layers are the Mucosa, the Submucosa, the Muscularis Propria, and the Serosa.

It is important to know these layers because the staging of colorectal cancer relates to the degree of penetration of the tumor through the bowel wall. Cancer affects young, old, rich, poor, black, or white; it does not discriminate. Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of cells that disrupt the body tissue and organs. The cells can grow and they then multiply to form tumors that invade the local tissue and sometimes scatter all over the body. As cancer progresses, it causes the body to have pale skin, pain, fatigue, and loss of appetite.

So that the earlier the diagnosed of cancer the earlier to prevent other complication and to prevent to metastasized other parts. Because surgery is effective when the cancer caught while still localizing. The cause of colon cancer arises when this gene does not provide this protection to colon cells. This lack of protection causes multiple mutations within the colon cells until they become cancerous. As Doctor NAdala states that it is important to us to know the stages of the colon cancer for us to determine the specific therapy to do with the patient.

And to prevent also the increasing of mortality rate in cancer patient. We have to know the proper diet to prevent the colon cancer. More in fiber is to prevent colon cancer, fish can protect us to cancer because of its omega- 3 fatty acid. Alcohol intake can increase the risk of colon cancer. As a student nurse it is important to know the colon cancer to have the correct teaching if we have that patient, not only to this kind of cancer but it can also relate other cancers, because for now cancer patient is increasing.

We can suggest it to other such person having a cigarette smoker, alcoholic drinkers and others that can cause cancer, not to used or prevent it because it can cause cancer, The fact that there are many ways to interfere with the controls on genes may help to explain why cancer is apparently caused by a diversity of agents and why agents that interfere with the expression of genetic information like nitrogen mustard, radiation, and some hormones, are sometime carcinogenic and sometimes therapeutic.

Colon cancer is known to be one of the most common cancers in the western world. In the United States, colon cancer is the second cause of death from cancer only surpass by lung cancer. More women die of colon …

Introduction Colorectal cancer, more commonly known as colon cancer, is a common form of cancer; It is the third most common type of cancer and the second most lethal. It is fairly common due to the numerous causes and contact …

Colon and rectal cancer develop in the digestive tract, which is also called the gastrointestinal, or GI, tract. The digestive system processes food for energy and rids the body of solid waste matter (fecal matter or stool). Colon cancer and …

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