Clinical problem in the emergency room

An emergency room is considered as a primary care department in a hospital. The emergency room provides initial treatment to patients with various sicknesses and injuries in which some may be life-threatening and requires immediate attention. Going to an emergency room can be a stressful and scary event. The main reason this is that people go to emergency because they have this knowledge and feeling that there is something wrong in them. The fear of knowing what is wrong with you increases the pain that a patient is feeling whenever going to the emergency room.

Another factor is that you there are some which have the fear of going to a unfamiliar place and seeing several people that you do not know. One more thing is that in the emergency, several tests and examinations in order to determine your physical/medical problem. There are also a series of questions to help in determining your physical problem. These reasons had made going to the emergency room a very stressful and fearing thing to do. Clinical problems also occur in the emergency room, one of which is asthmatic condition.

Today, a large number of Pulmonologist are being deployed in most of the modern day Intensive Care Units (ICU) due to the demand from breathing problems brought by these infectious diseases. Pulmonary problems incorporate damage on the muscles and this damage can no longer bond and generate pressure changes in the injured thoracic and abdominal cavities required for motivation and termination. Breathing capacity decrease is related with the decrease in blood pressure.

When the abdominal and chest wall muscles are being damage it can make the patient incapable to create a forceful cough, which clears normal respiratory secretions prevents pneumonia, atelactasis, and pulmonary edema and some other complications which can cause respiratory breakdown and death. Inside the lungs, air ways branch out in which at the end of each branch, small balloon like air sack is found. The air way as well as the air sack are soft and elastic for healthy persons.

The air sack is filled with air like a small balloon whenever you inhale and like a balloon that deflates for the time that you exhale. One of the chronic diseases that affects the air way is asthma. Air has been carried in and out of the lungs by this tube or what we so called airways. Asthma affects the inside wall of the airway making it swell. The inflammation makes the airways very sensitive. Whenever you are exposed to the things that you are allergic with or those that you find irritating, the airway gets narrower because it tends to react to your allergies.

Because of this reaction, the air that flows to your lung tissue is lessen which causes coughing, chest tightness and having difficulty in breathing most especially every morning and at night time. Asthma is incurable but the symptoms and effects can be controlled by the patient themselves. Worse asthma attack causes the airway muscles to tighten up and making the air ways narrower. This causes less air to be able to flow through. During this time, symptoms increases creating a narrower airway and increasing the inflammation and swelling.

Some changes happen and such as the creation of extra mucus that able to narrow the airways for Cells in the airways are making more mucus than the usual. Medical emergency happen when the asthma attack is too strong that the airways are close enough that not enough oxygen reaches the vital organs. Most people with asthma are usually brought ot the emergency room because asthma may cause a person his own life.

Illustration from http://www. nhlbi. nih. gov/health/dci/Diseases/Asthma/Asthma_WhatIs. html In the emergency rooms, Asthma is treated using a substance called bronchodilator that dilates the bronchi and therefore increasing air flow.

This substance may also originate from the body. This drug however is mostly used for treating bronchial asthma. Self discipline is an important factor for living a healthy lifestyle. Whether you have asthma you can make something that will help you to tackle with asthma. How you live will dictate how well you’ll be.

Reference: National Heart Lung And Blood Institute Diseases And Condition Index (Updated May 2006) Retrieved September 3, 2007 from http://www. nhlbi. nih. gov/health/dci/Diseases/Asthma/Asthma_WhatIs. html.

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