Clinical guidelines

There is high cost that is involved in secondary complications of PD both in quality of life and economical aspects. This is because all recommendations in PD clinical guidelines help to keep the body health of the afflicted. Hence these physiotherapeutic interventions aim at preventing secondary complications. In this regard, tissue maintenance which is vital and crucial has occurred through employing specialist seating and positioning Equipment, also educating the carers. There is an increased understanding of the pathological mechanisms underlying the performance of the physiotherapy.

This is especially the connectedness between the therapies and the responsiveness of the CNS (Central Nervous System) in relation to recovery of the functions. Therefore recognition of these complex mechanisms that are guiding principles for the realizing objectives of the rehabilitation. The multi disciplinary rehabilitation at a greater extend involves the physiotherapy as its important part of symptomatic and supportive treatment for people with PD, which goes on throughout the course.

However there is an increased quantity and quality of research which is scientifically credible in defining the PD interventions, determining the underlying mechanisms and evaluating their effectiveness. But however the various issue that give rise to concerns that have been mentioned in this paper must be considered by the scholarly community. This will facilitate rather than barricade high quality research that is essential to most interventions. However the primary evidence indicates success in the interventions but more have to be done to add to this fact.

There is a need to have a well structure and coordinated program of research is to make impact in the understanding of the PD intervention so that this knowledge can assist in the management of the people who are afflicted. This is because such well outlined programs shall systematical give focus to the research such that the core areas are researched on. Moreover funding issues must be looked into in future researches. But research must be credible and reliable through addition of other clinically relevant directives and information to the guidelines and data.

There should be measures to enhance innovative and inventive interdisciplinary research relevant to PD intervention. Through encouraging and application of methodologies which bridges the current available barriers which is vital for furthering the research. There should mechanism that encourages investing in the development of appropriate methodologies which are fundamental to resolving the dreadlock or disagreement about evaluating the physiotherapeutic outcomes of the PD interventions. This is in relation environment and intervention performance n characteristics.


Chartered Society of Physiotherapy, (2000), Research and Clinical Effectiveness Strategy, London, Chartered Society of Physiotherapy. Davidson DeJong, Sylvester Gassaway, (2004), Toward taxonomy of rehabilitation Interventions; Routledge, New York Heinemann Alexandra, Watson Semik, (2006), “Patterns of therapy activities in Parkinson’s disease”, Journal of Arch Phys Med Rehabil, vol. 85, pp. 271 Johnson Young, Gregory Dowsell, (2000) Unpacking the black box and support service. Clinical Rehabilitation, vol. 14, pp. 168

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