Classification Essay

There is a major disease that has spread across the high school nation. It has many stages and each of them is deadly. The side effects cause problems for just about anyone that has been affected. The only people who are in danger are high school students. The disease I’m talking about is called senioritis. Yes, it is real, and yes it is deadly. There are four major symptoms that senioritis causes. The symptoms are procrastination, unmotivated, not being time responsible, and worst of all overly social.

Not many people understand fully what senioritis is, and hopefully this article can help those who can’t. It is a disease that I have developed at an early time. When it comes to senioritis one of the first symptoms are procrastination. Many seniors procrastinate on assignments and projects. Not only does that affect their grade tremendously, but it gives off an attitude that seems like they do not care at all. If you have noticed a senior procrastinating already, stop and warn them that they are becoming lazy. Soon they will not turn in their work at all.

The early stages of senioritis can be stopped early if the senior is aware that the procrastination they are doing is taking a downfall on their grade. If the senior is at its fully procrastinating advantage the next stage that will happen to senioritis is being unmotivated. The senior will not care at all, and just give up before the assignment is even due. Procrastinating and being unmotivated is a deadly mix. At that point the senior is only turning in half the effort projects, or not even turning them in at all.

They will use all the excuses in the book to get out of the assignment or not have late points on it. At this stage senioritis does not become curable. After procrastination, and unmotivated the senior starts to experience lateness. When the final minute bell rings, to them they do not believe one minute is left to get to class. The senior will begin going to sweep like it is part of their normal school schedule. The senioritis is already flowing through there blood system and now becomes part of them. They are no longer fully themselves when walking on to campus.

Some cases the senior may not even show up to school once they find out they have overslept. After this stage the senioritis is very and extremely fatal. The final stage of senioritis is the worst stage. There is no turning back, the senior has reached senioritis. The final stage is being overly social. At this point the senior has given up on school and now is only focusing on their social life. They have come to full terms that they will not graduate, and will have to end up taking summer school. During school they use their full time on social media and texting.

They have stopped listening fully and barely now turn in assignments. The senior now is a two time senior. Senioritis has minor symptoms too, but the major ones causes problems for all. Not just the senior itself but also the senior family member, and friends. There are some cases where senioritis develops early among juniors. The symptoms are deadly when mix together. It is a disease that I can only describe myself as the senior even though I am a junior. I have received every major symptom and more. The only way to classify myself is based upon my actions. I am “that senior” sadly.

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