Classical Athens

1. Identify: (a) Trojan War- The conflict may have had its origins in economic rivalry between Mycenae and Troy. (b) Heinrich Schliemann- set out to prove the legend was rooted in fact. (c) Homer- was a blind poet who wandered from village to village, singing of heroic deeds. 2. Define: (a) Shrine- areas dedicated to honor the gods or goddess (b) Fresco- watercolor paintings done on wet plaster (c) Strait- narrow water passages The Rise of Greek City-States.

1. Identify: (a) Peloponnesus-the southern part of Greece (b) Solon- a wise and trusted leader was appointed chief official (c) Cleisthenes- broadened the role of ordinary citizens in government (d) Zeus- who persisted over the affairs of gods and humans 2. Define: (a) Polis- unique version of the city-states (b) Acropolis- high city (c) Monarchy- A government in which a king or queen exercises central power. (d) Aristocracy- rule by a landholding elite.

(e) Oligarchy- A small group of people having control of a country, organization, or institution (f) Phalanx- was a massive formation of heavily armed foot soldiers (g) Helot- A member of a class of serfs in ancient Sparta (h) Democracy- government by the people (i) Tyrant- people who gained power by force (j) Legislature- law making body Victory and Defeat in the Greek World 1. Identify: (a) Marathon- a plain north of Athens.

(b) Themistocles- knew the victory at Marathon had bought only temporary lull in the fighting. (c) Delian League- an alliance with other Greek city-states (d) Pericles- the Athenian assembly met several times a month (e) Aspasia-was an educated foreign-born woman 2. Define: (a) Alliance- a formal agreement between two or more nations or powers to cooperate and come to one another’s defense (b) Direct democracy- is a form of democracy (government) in which the population has an immediate (c) Stipend- fixed salary.

(d) Jury- is a panel of citizens who have the authority to make the final judgment in a trial (e) Ostracism- when Athenians citizens could also vote to banish, or send away, a public figure whom they saw as a threat to their democracy The Glory That Was Greece 1. Identify: (a) Socrates- an Athenian stonemason and philosopher (b) Aristotle- developed his own ideas about government. (c) Parthenon.

(d) Sophocles- Athenian playwrights, explored what happens when an individual’s moral duty conflicts with the laws of the state (e) Euripides- Athenian playwrights, his plays suggested that people, not the gods, were the cause of human misfortune (f) Herodotus- retold ancient legends also known as the “Father of History” (g) Thucydides- wrote about the Peloponnesians War 2. Define: (a) Logic- rational thinking (b) Rhetoric- the art of skillful speaking (c) Tragedy- plays that told stories of human suffering that usually ended in disaster (d) Comedy- humorous plays that mocked people or customs.

Alexander and the Hellenistic Age 1. Identify: (a) Philip of Macedonia- was the king (b) Stoicism- The endurance of pain or hardship without a display of feelings and without complaint (c) Pythagoras- derived a formula to calculate the relationships between the sides of a right triangle (d) Euclid- wrote The Elements, a textbook that became the basics for modern geometry (e) Archimedes- applied principles of physics to make practical inventions (f) Hippocrates- studied the causes of illness and looked for cures 2. Define: (a) Assassination- is a murder of a public figure (b) Assimilate- absorbed (c) Heliocentric- sun-centered.

The Ancient Greece culture has made many contributions to western civilization. The ancient Greeks affected our fine arts, government, sports, medics, and philosophies. The Greek culture has had a very profound impact on the way people live nowadays. One way …

The foundation of many things in the Western world come from Ancient Greek civilization. Many philosophies, sports, arts and even medical treatments have their basis in Ancient Greek traditions. Contributions to our current civilization still continue to exist today. Perhaps …

According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, a city-state is “a state that has its own government and consists of a city and the area around it”. This definition shows that the ancient Greece was divided into city-states in which this were …

Answer the following questions: 1. Who dominated Greece after the Persian Wars? 2.The Peloponnesian War was between what two groups? WE WILL WRITE A CUSTOM ESSAY SAMPLE ON ANY TOPIC SPECIFICALLY FOR YOU FOR ONLY $13.90/PAGE Write my sample 3.What …

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