Claims Prepration

* Initial consultation is performed for a 78-year old woman with unexpected weight loss, abdominal pain, and rectal bleeding. A comprehensive history and examination is performed. The components were comprehensive and the decision was high complexity the code is 99205 * A 30-year old patient presents complaining of flu-like symptoms characterized by unremitting cough, sinus pain, and thick nasal discharge. An examination reveals bronchitis and sinus infection. The patient is prescribed a 5- day course of Zithromax.

The component was the expanded problem- focused and the decision was straightforward the code is 99202 * Established patient on Lithium presents for routine blood work to monitor therapeutic levels and kidney function. A nurse reviews the results and advises the patient that tests are normal; a no change in dosage is indicated. The component and the decision was minimal the code is 99211 * A 62- year old diabetic female presents for check-up and dressing change of wound on left foot.

An examination reveals the wound is healing. The nurse applied new dressing and patient will return for a check-up in one week. The components were detailed and the decision was moderate complexity the code is 99214 * A mother brings in her 6-month- old male child for a routine wellness check. An examination reveals the child to be in good health and making adequate progress CLAIMS PREPARATION I: CLEAN BILLS OF HEALTH 2 components were problem focused and the decision was straightforward the code is 99212.

Individual Assigning Evaluation and Management (E/M) Codes 1. Initial consultation for a 78-year-old woman with unexplained weight loss, abdominal pain, and rectal bleeding. Comprehensive history and examination performed. 99205 This history and examination were comprehensive and dealt with several body …

Individual Assigning Evaluation and Management (E/M) Codes 1. Initial consultation for a 78-year-old woman with unexplained weight loss, abdominal pain, and rectal bleeding. Comprehensive history and examination performed. 99205. This history and examination were comprehensive and dealt with several body …

Initial consultation is performed for a 78-year-old woman with unexplained weight loss, abdominal pain, and rectal bleeding. A comprehensive history and examination is performed. 99205- The patient is a new patient who needs a comprehensive amount of data. The patient …

Significant achievements have been made at arresting potential claim related challenges which threatened NHIS sustainability, but the claims still continue coming in fast with increased work load. The uses of technology and claim officers to effectively manage claims also continue …

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