Children’s personal hygiene

Toys and equipment used by the children, must be regularly cleaned to prevent the spread of infection. Young babies/children put rattles e.t.c in their mouth, has they have not learnt the usual habits of hygiene. Toys used by babies, such as rattles should be sterilised everyday after the children have gone home. Soft toys and bedding should be washed or disinfected every week and the sandpit must be cleaned our regularly.

Hygiene Children’s personal hygiene Children need to be encouraged to be independent in their self care skills. This is done by promoting an understanding of hygiene issues, adapting a routine to the needs of the child, providing support appropriate to the age of the child and discussing routines with parents what they can do at home, I.e. washing their hands after going to the toilet. hand washing – it is essential that children are taught how to wash their hands and when to wash their hands.

Care of the skin – children need to wash regularly to keep their skin clean, to reduce the smell and to stop sore areas of the body developing. Some children may have problems with their skin, so the early years worker needs to be aware of this. Children in nappies -nappies should be changed in a designated area, away from other children and the children’s play area. Dirty nappies must be wrapped in a baby liner and disposed of in a designated bin for nappies. The baby’s skin should be cleaned with baby wipes or cream, supplied by the parent. The changing mat must be cleaned after each change and if there are any tears in the mat, must be disposed of and a new one to be used. Staff must wear gloves and then wash their hands after every change. If a child uses a potty this must be washed in soapy water in an other sink, not a sink where you wash the pots.

More information – Essay on Health and Hygiene

Care of the teeth – some day care settings encourage children to use a toothbrush, the parent has the responsibility of supplying the child with the toothbrush, where it must be clearly marked with the child’s name on. Hygiene in the kitchen Any one involved in the preparation of food, must hold a Basic Food Hygiene Certificate. Storage The storage of the food as to be at the correct temperature, below 4 degrees centigrade for fridges, -18 degrees centigrade for freezers. There must be stock rotation, all raw food must be below the fresh food in the fridge. Sandwiches should be prepared prior to eating and all dry foods must be kept in air tight containers.

Equipment There must be separate areas for equipment for cooked and uncooked food. Cloths, tea towels, oven gloves must be washed regularly and disposable towels used for hands and spillage. Preparation Hands must be washed before and after preparation, hands must be washed between handling new raw and cooked food. Food must not be reheated and food must be thoroughly cooked and cooled if going to be stored. Cleaning All surfaces must be cleaned regularly. Any spills must be mopped up straight away. Any signs of household pests must be reported immediately. Waste disposal must be away from food and bins must be emptied regularly.

Animals Some settings keep pets, or visits to a farm, or someone bringing in an animal into the setting, children must be aware of the handling of these animals and must be taught that after handling any kind of animal, that they must wash their hands and not put their hands in their mouth. Heating The temperature in the room of the children should be kept at 18-21 degrees centigrade. The temperature must be monitored regularly during the day. Radiators must be protected and carbon monoxide monitors should be provided.

Lighting The lighting can affect the mood of the children, I.e. sunny day can make people feel happier. Good lighting is essential to avoid eye strain. There must be good use of artificial and natural light, the flickering of fluorescent light should be avoided. Adult: child ratio The staff ratios within the settings determines to ensure the safety and the well-being of the children in the setting. The National Standards require that the group size should never exceed 26 children. They also recommend that each child should have their own key worker. This means that each child has a named member of staff who is responsible for their well-being and knows all the details of the child and the family.

Personal hygiene are practices that serve to promote and preserve ones own maintance of health, a child is unable to do this and it is necessary in a child’s learning environment that he/she is aware of hygiene and their very …

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