Children of all ages

Andy Long is a prime example of a player reaching the top. He has gone through all the examples above. Andy plays for a great premiership rugby side (Bath RFC) and has several caps for England. He started at grass roots level in Bournemouth and played for the same team that I play for now. I look up to him as I hope to follow in his footsteps.

As you can see women’s rugby is increasingly getting popular, all over the world women are starting to take to the game. In this countrywomen are really beginning to get involved in the game, already there is professional and national sides. I haven’t really watched women’s rugby yet but I do know that at a local side in my county Oakmeadians that they have recently started up a team for women. The team above I find on the internet and to read about them is quite enjoyable as they love the game that I love to. Leo’s Ladies was formed at the start of the 1996-rugby season, at the Old Leodiensian Rugby Club in Leeds. It evolved from Otley Ladies Rugby Union, and began in Division 4 north-east. Following success in the 2001/2002 season, Leo’s have been promoted to Division 1 North for the 2002/2003 season. Women are not aloud to play with the men BUT they can play with boys from under 7’s up to under 12’s. This is because the contact after under twelve because the contact levels are harder!

I know that there are not many chances for people with major disabilities to take part in rugby. But I do know that clubs are making it easier for them to come and be a spectator the games by building ramps and sections when they can have a good view of what’s happening on the pitch. At the club I play for I know that there is a child who is deaf and plays in all the games. Although he can’t hear what is going on he is told what to do through being shown, also his Dad stands on the sideline directing him through sign language.

Rugby as a whole is all sponsored by: Which is lottery funded. The English rugby team is sponsored by the likes of: And many more. These all help to fund the team and fund rugby as a whole in this country! Their money goes into summer camps, improving the quality of some clubs and pay for county teams and national teams! This is great because it helps people like me enjoy the game I love.


I feel that this game really has a lot of in’s and out’s which does get confusing, I’ve tried to squash it all down to give a compact SA on what rugby is all about and how things are done! I love the game and enjoyed doing this part of the course! I’ve got most of my info from knowledge I already have and the RFU website

In rugby there has always been a strong view to take players from a young age and educate them about rugby. In England rugby is the second most popular sport following rugby but still there are the same principals of …

Most of these clubs provide facilities for children of all ages, under 7’s is the youngest age group with under 17’s being the oldest child team, it then moves onto the Colts teams (under 18’s) and then to adult rugby. In …

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Rugby Union is fast developing into one of the most popular sports in the country. The mass influx of foreign players into the Guinness Premiership shows this. However, we must still concentrate on nurturing young English talent. Here I Intend …

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