Children grow up

Now a days children seem to grow up more quiklier that in the past because of a seriuos of factors that affect directly to the chlidren. One of the principal factors that cause this problem is that now a days children mothers and fathers have to go away and live their childrens alone at home. When children are alone at home they can do whatever they want. They can watch TV programs which parents dont allow them to see. Some television progrmas wash childrens brains.

This TV programs affect them very much although they dont realise it. One good example for this is Rebelde Way which shows very young people consuming drugs, speaking vulgar language and going dancing at very low ages. Children who see this programs find in the charactes like a model to follow so they try to imitate the characters actions and this is very counterproductive. Sometimes they do this uncounsciosly. Programs that show discrimination and agression amomg people also cause children take some actions that make them seem like older. Also in radio there ar some songs which leave bad menssages to the children. Some songs say things that children are to young to understand. One example of this music is the Cumbia which have songs with ugly letters.

Another problem of fathers and mothers working long hours is that they cant pay the attention to the children they should pay. They cant help their children with their fears, they let them do whatever they want. Children of 12 years old are now used to go dancing when a few years ago only teeenagers of 17 used to go. Another factor that affect the children and make them grow more quicklier than in the past is the social and political crisis Argentina is passing through. Many Argentinean children don �t go to school because they cant afford the necesary materials needed to study or just because they dont have anyone to tell them school is compulsary and necesary for their lives. As they don �t go to school they spend much of their days in the streets and they are usedto see things children of that age should not see.

Many parents dont have a job so as thay dont have anything to eat they send their sons and daughters to work. This children ussually collect cardboard,ask for coins and something to eat in the highlights and in the railway barriers. As a conclusion I would like to say that first of all that means of communication should reconsider the damage their are doing to the children and stop transmiting soap operas which affect the children.

Also I thinks parents should find a way for paying much more attention to their children. They should also set un limits so that the children dont do what they want. Finally I think the government should take measures to help the children of the streets and give them better living conditions and education. If all this things listed above become true perhaps children of the future wont seem older that what they are.

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