Aim-From previous research psychologists have discovered that a child should form an attachment/bond with their primary career which is normally the mother between the ages of 0- 2 1/2. This is also known as the Critical Period. Following that research it was then discovered that after the Critical Period there is a Sensitive Period. The sensitive period is where the child should still be around their primary career most of the time; this is done through the ages of 2 1/2 and 5 years. Even though young children should be around their primary career most of the day, children are now put into Day Care to be looked after workers. In some cases babies are put into nurseries at very young ages so the mother can return to work, this is stopping an attachment forming.
Bowlby suggests that a child being away from their primary carer 0- 2 1/2 years will have a serious effect on children’s development. This suggests that mutual and psychical retardation and behaviour problems will occur. This is known as Maternal Deprivation Hypothesis. Following this research I wanted to experiment and see if by putting children into Day care such as nurseries can effect children’s development or a change in their behaviour.
It was important to find out if children miss the Critical Period where no bond is formed if they can grow up and appear to be seen as a normal child. I was also trying to gain information to see if a specific age can affect the child more than the child being older or younger. This is following up research to see if a child has been put into day care after the Critical Period so a bond has been formed but has not been through the Sensitive Period.
Sample- I ensured my questionnaire was completed by parents who have used Day Care in the past or using it present. It also had replies from parents who use Day Care every week day, a few days in the week, or do it very often. This ensured that I got a range of data from parents who use Day Care more or less then some people. Procedure- A standardised procedure is important, as each participant must receive the same instructions so they understand what do in the experiment.
It ensures that each participant is treated the same and should help eliminate experimenter effects. My procedure begins with ensuring that each Participant is equipped with a pen to fill out the Questionnaire.To find out the information on the effect of Day Care has on children’s development, I presented the parents with a questionnaire to fill out. I asked them to answer it honestly and truthfully and ensured them that the questionnaire replies will be kept anonymous and no names will be used to quote particular replies.
Keeping within Ethical Guidelines- Ethical Guidelines are there for a reason when it comes to experiments, it ensures that the participant is not taken from granted and keeps them safe. There are 7 main guidelines in total, which consist of: Informed Consent, Deception, and Right to Withdraw, Protection, Debriefing, Confidentiality and Observation.1. Results. (Closed Questions)- Through my Day Care questionnaire I used five questions which were known as closed questions.
These questions can only give one single answer; these questions can prompt individuals before using an open question. An example of a closed question which I used in my questionnaire is ‘Please specify the age of your child/children that attend Day Care’ From a range of closed questions I was able to find out the most common age parents put their children into Day Care and for how long they had/have been using the service.
In general my questionnaire collected data that the children were using the Day Care were generally cheerful about going to Day Care and returning home. There was only a small percentage whose parents had commented on some behavioural difference since starting Day Care this could be because of how young the child was when first put into Day Care. Results- (Open Questions) In my questionnaire I used more Open Questions then Closed Questions, this is because Open Questions are questions that will have a long answer to them. Using Opening Questions allowed the parents to think and reflect on what the question was asking them. The parents also gave me their opinions and feelings on the question.
The main reason I used Open Questions was to find out more about children who attended Day Care, I was able to find out the parents and children’s needs, wants and even problems of the Day Care Service. An example of an Open Question I used is, ‘How do your child/children react to you when you pick up your child/ren from Day Care? Do they seem happy that you’re back with them?’