Change My Life Forever

Imagine a warm breeze wind rushing through the air like cars on a freeway. The warm smell of the ocean carries over the sky in early summer in San Diego, California on a military base. You have everything you wanted and then one day it all just turns into dust. This just happens to be the worst day of my life. It was early in the morning, the day after my 7th birthday; I woke up to horrible cramps in the abdomen area of my stomach. The pain was so bad that I couldn’t manage to walk. I crawled down the stairs whining for my mom to rush over to me. “OMG! What is going on?!? ” She shouted. I replied, “Just get me to the hospital”.

My mom gathered my sister and my dad and took me to the car. In the car she was asking all these questions like how I was feeling, what hurts the most, or is it just gas. I answered in all these in one short response; “I DON’T KNOW!! ” Since it was early in the morning my little sister, which at the time was only four years old, was hungry. We had stopped at McDonalds to get her a happy meal. My dad had gotten me a sprite to see if the caffeine would help my cramps, but it didn’t. At the hospital, we rushed into the E. C. U. (Emergency Care Unit) and had to wait for a surgeon to come and operate for me.

We waited for like 3 hours for one to finally come in. The pain at the time was one of the worst feelings I have ever expected. It felt like getting punched in the stomach by Mike Tyson is his prime, it was God awful. In the meantime I had some X-RAYS token of my stomach to see if anything was wrong, nothing was wrong. Next they gave me a CAT scan to see if there is something wrong. It just so happened that my appendix was swollen. So by the time the doctor was in and all the stuff that he needed was in place and the prep was all done, I could finally go in for some surgery. Dr.

Mike Watson I believe his name was. When I was lying on the hospital bed, I was asked for one wish when I came out of surgery, I wished for a dirt bike. After that I was rushed into the hospital. I remember the doctors putting a mask on me and telling me to count down from 5, and so I did. “5… 4… 3” I counted until I fell asleep. After the Surgery I was told what was had just happened. The doctors told me that they had to remove my appendix for 1: because it is a useless organ, and 2: because it was about to rupture. If my appendix ruptured them a lot of poison would be in my stomach and would have killed me.

All that stuff I wanted in life really didn’t matter to me all that mattered was my family. They pushed my into a hospital room and to my surprise all of my family was there with arms wide open giving me hugs and kisses. I tried to sit up and give them back, but I forgot that I just had surgery, so therefore it made my stomach hurt so badly. The next two or three days were probably the longest days of my life. Being in a hospital for that long made me sick, I ate horrible food, watched so much television, and was sick and tired of Nickelodeon.

The nurses where very helpful and attentive to me and were a big help. Id wrote them to thank them for the good things they have done. It took two days for me to start walking normal, by myself. It was almost as if I was a pencil trying to walk, I would stand up but won’t have enough energy or strength to take a step. I tried and tried to walk but never really got it until I was assisted by my helpful nurses. The day I went home was probably the best day of my life, except I wasn’t allowed to play with my friends. I was super excited that I was no longer eating hospital food.

A couple of days later I was on the monkey bars, riding my skateboard, and throwing a baseball with my and friends, even though I wasn’t supposed to. During those two weeks were the LONGEST days of my life. As a child I was very active and was all ways outside, do to this injury I wasn’t allowed to do any activities. All I could do is watch my friends shoot ball and play football games we had at the sports complex we had in our neighborhood. Since it was during the summer I wasn’t allowed to swim, hike, or do anything I wanted to do because my doctors where to afraid the scar would rip open.

I decided to play it safe and listen to the doctors. I learned a lot from this experience. Before I went in to get surgery I asked for a dirt bike and when I woke up from it, all of that really didn’t matter, all that mattered was my family and loved ones. They were the ones there for me. Not my dirt bike or my basketball goal or any of the things that I wanted. Don’t think that one day all the stuff you wanted is going to be there when you wake up just because you had it before you went to sleep. Don’t take things for granted. So just take a deep breath 5…4…3… and everything will be cool as the ocean breeze on a warm summer day.

Imagine a warm breeze wind rushing through the air like cars on a freeway. The warm smell of the ocean carries over the sky in early summer in San Diego, California on a military base. You have everything you wanted …

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They say it’s all fun and game till someone is hurt. Well I am here to tell you that that is so true. Even playing a recreational softball game can make you want to regret the sport you love. Tearing …

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