Elevated: Infection, tissue necrosis, bone marrow malignancies, inflammation Decreased: infection, medications that suppress or weaken the immune system or bone marrow WBC.
Elevated: Infection, tissue necrosis, bone marrow malignancies, inflammation Decreased: infection, medications that suppress or weaken the immune system or bone marrow.
Increased (neutrophilia):
Bacterial infection, inflammatory conditions, tissue damage, malignancies of the bone marrow *Increased neutrophils in general: bacterial infection.
*Rise in bands in particular is highly suggestive of bacterial infection. Increased (neutrophilia):
Bacterial infection, inflammatory conditions, tissue damage, malignancies of the bone marrow *Increased neutrophils in general: bacterial infection.
*Rise in bands in particular is highly suggestive of bacterial infection.
Decreased (monopenia):
Some forms of leukemia, bone marrow failure or suppression.
Decreased (monopenia):
Some forms of leukemia, bone marrow failure or suppression
Increased (monocytosis):
Monocytic leukemia, ulcerative colitis, viral diseases (mononucleosis and herpes zoster), parasitic diseases (Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever) Increased (monocytosis):
Monocytic leukemia, ulcerative colitis, viral diseases (mononucleosis and herpes zoster), parasitic diseases (Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever) B Lymphocytes (B Cells): humoral immunity
T Lymphocytes (T Cells): cell-mediated immunity
B Lymphocytes (B Cells): humoral immunity
T Lymphocytes (T Cells): cell-mediated immunity
Decreased (neutropenia):
Vital conditions, overwhelming infection that exhausts bone marrow, cancer drugs, antibiotics and psychotropic drugs, hereditary disorders *Newborns with sepsis are higher risk for developing neutropenia. Decreased (neutropenia):
Vital conditions, overwhelming infection that exhausts bone marrow, cancer drugs, antibiotics and psychotropic drugs, hereditary disorders *Newborns with sepsis are higher risk for developing neutropenia. First line of defense against infection.
Bands (immature) 0%.
Segs (mature) 31-57%
First line of defense against infection
Bands (immature) 0%
Segs (mature) 31-57%
-Second line of defense against infection
-Indicates viral infection
-Second line of defense against infection
-Indicates viral infection
“Right shift”
-Rise in monocytes and lymphocytes
-Viral infection
“Right shift”
-Rise in monocytes and lymphocytes
-Viral infection
“Left shift”
-Increase in bands
-Indicates bacterial infection
“Left shift”
-Increase in bands
-Indicates bacterial infection
Increased (lymphocytosis):
Viral infections (most common), bacterial or allergic conditions (least common) Increased (lymphocytosis):
Viral infections (most common), bacterial or allergic conditions (least common) Decreased (lymphopenia):
Corticosteroid therapy, adrenocortical hyperfunction, stress, shock.
Decreased (lymphopenia):
Corticosteroid therapy, adrenocortical hyperfunction, stress, shock.
Indicates viral infection
Indicates viral infection
Indicates allergic disorders and parasitic infections
Indicates allergic disorders and parasitic infections
Increased (eosinophilia):
Asthma, hay fever, drug reaction
Increased (eosinophilia):
Asthma, hay fever, drug reaction
Decreased (eosinopenia):
Corticosteroid therapy, adrenocortical hyperfunction, stress, shock Decreased (eosinopenia):
Corticosteroid therapy, adrenocortical hyperfunction, stress, shock Indicated systemic allergic reactions
Responsible for histamine release
Indicated systemic allergic reactions
Responsible for histamine release
Basophils (0-1%)
Basophils (0-1%)
Increased (polycythemia):
Congenital heart disease, chronic hypoxia, high altitudes, polycythemia vera Increased (polycythemia):
Congenital heart disease, chronic hypoxia, high altitudes, polycythemia vera Decreased:
Renal disease, hematological conditions involving RBC destruction, iron deficiency, vitamin B12 deficiency, blood loss/hemorrhage, bone marrow suppression Decreased:
Renal disease, hematological conditions involving RBC destruction, iron deficiency, vitamin B12 deficiency, blood loss/hemorrhage, bone marrow suppression -Transports oxygenated Hgb to tissues
-Maintains acid-base equilibrium.
-Lifespan=120 days
-Transports oxygenated Hgb to tissues
-Maintains acid-base equilibrium
-Lifespan=120 days
Decreased (basopenia):
Corticosteroid therapy, adrenocortical hyperfunction, stress, shock Decreased (basopenia):
Corticosteroid therapy, adrenocortical hyperfunction, stress, shock Increased (basophilia):
Chronic inflammatory and hypersensitivity reactions.
Increased (basophilia):
Chronic inflammatory and hypersensitivity reactions.
Same as MCV
Same as MCV
Same as MCV
Same as MCV
Decreased MCV:
Iron deficiency anemia, lead poisoning, thalassemia
Decreased MCV:
Iron deficiency anemia, lead poisoning, thalassemia
-Measures the uniformity of RBC size (11.5-14.5)
-Measures the uniformity of RBC size (11.5-14.5)
(Red Cell Distribution Width)
(Red Cell Distribution Width)
(Mean Corpuscular Volume)
(Mean Corpuscular Volume)
RBC Indices:
(Used to differentiate between types of anemia)
RBC Indices:
(Used to differentiate between types of anemia)
-Indicates average size of RBC
-Normocytic: normal cell size (75-94)
-Macrocytic: large cell size (>94)
-Microcytic: small cell size (94)
-Microcytic: small cell size (36%)
-Hypochromic: decreased concentration of Hgb per RBC (36%)
-Hypochromic: decreased concentration of Hgb per RBC.