Causes of cancer

Cancer is the most prevalent and probably the most deadly disease that affects individuals across the globe. Bishop postulates that cancer may soon attain the status as the leading cause of deaths within the U. S. given the rapid rate at which it is spreading and the numbers within the population that it is affecting. Data has shown that cancer is overall number two among the leading causes of death, second only to heart disease. The rate at which cancer affects the sexes is also alarming. Among women alone cancer is actually the number killer. Steen had predicted that by 2000 cancer would become the leading overall killer for all sexes.

Viswanath et al quotes an estimate which states that six million persons die from cancer yearly. They further add that 10 million new cancer diagnoses are made each year and a further 22 million are living with cancer. Cancer is an abnormal division of cells in the body. Normal and healthy cell activity is important in proper body functioning. Whenever the body needs additional cells or when certain cells are damage, healthy cells go through a process of division in order to replace those cells. This process takes place throughout the entire anatomy and ensures that the body and its organs remain alive and work in good order.

The body may, at times produce cells when they not needed. Cell division can therefore become excessive, altered and uncontrollable and this leads to the formation of abnormal masses referred to as tumors. The development of tumors occurs in three phases – initiation, development and expansion. However not all tumors are dangerous. Tumors that develop in this fashion can either be benign or malignant. A benign tumor is basically harmless. These tumors are not cancerous and are often easily removed by surgery without the much danger of them returning.

Additionally, they are basically localized to the area in which they initially develop and therefore tend not to spread to other parts of the body. It is not often that these tumors pose any significant threat to a person’s life. Malignant tumors, on the other hand, are the worrisome kind. It is these types of tumors that are known as cancer. These tumors usually grow rapidly. They also spread quickly to other areas. Additionally they are highly invasive and tend to pose threat to surrounding organs and tissues often damaging the cells in the areas near the tumor.

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