Cat Scratch Disease

Cat scratch disease, also known as catch scratch fever, is caused when someone may get a scratch or bite from. The infection is usually caused for reasons of bartonella bacteria from the scratch or the salvia from the cat’s bite. Cat’s are carriers of the disease and do not show illness, only humans will get ill from disease cat’s will just receive it from mostly fleas from other cats. If you pet a cat and rub your eyes with your hand that is another less likely way the disease can spread.

A kitten is more likely to carry the disease over the older cats. There are 2 key ways to find out that you have it and there are other small symptoms that indicate the infection. A sore or blister may start where the cat had bitten or scratched you, it will take 3 to 10 days from the day of the incident and it will take a long time for the blister to properly heal. An infection of the lymph nodes will show up near the infected spot of where the cat had gotten you. The lymph nodes will grow bigger in size and swell up to more than an inch larger. People with a normal immune system, this would not be anything serious to them. This would cause fever, vomiting, chills nausea, and tiredness of your body.

Cat scratch disease cures easily then expected it will simply cure by its self without medicine after a couple weeks. In other cases you may remain sick and still have enlarged lymph nodes you would need an antibiotic or ointment for the blisters. If an AIDS patient or someone with a weaker immune system should be treated with antibiotics because of the defective and abnormal system.

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The symptoms of HIV and AIDS vary, depending on the phase of infection. Symptoms of AIDS are caused by the deterioration of the immune system and the decline of (CD4+ T cells), which are the immune system’s key infection fighters. …

In 1832 Thomas Hodgkin described a progressively fatal condition characterized by enormous lymph node swelling that he believed to be one disease. Characteristic cells involved in this disease were identified microscopically by Sternberg and Reed in 1898 and 1902, respectively. …

HIV infects the body’s T helper cells, which help coordinate the actions of immune system cells. HIV attaches itself to the CD4 protein of the T helper cell. It then enters the cell and reproduces itself. The copies then infect …

A virus causes chickenpox, so the doctor won’t prescribe antibiotics. However, antibiotics may be required if the sores become infected by bacteria. This is pretty common among kids because they often scratch and pick at the blisters. The antiviral medicine …

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