Career Outlook for Healthcare Information Management

To provide pertinent information regarding the career outlook for Health Information Management (HIM) or Health Information Technology (HIT) Introduction: The growing dependence of the medical community on the technology of computers suggests that there will be numerous employment opportunities merging the skills used in information technology and healthcare jobs. Over the next 10 years, these employment opportunities are expected to increase dramatically.

The demands for this position is anticipated to grow faster compared to other occupations. In fact, an average of 36% percent increase in opportunities is predicted. This massive increase in demand is due to the dramatic growth in the number of medical tests, procedures and treatments which will be gradually inspected by payers from the third party, courts, consumers and regulators. In addition, the increase in the aging population will also cause a corresponding increase in the use of health care systems.

Hence, health information technicians will then be required to put into record and code the arrived diagnosis and treatments for the increase in patient growth. One medical society survey shows that medical practitioners view computer technology as a necessity in their work in the office. The said survey shows that 85% of the subject doctors believed that computers can be used for prescribing electronically, 89% shows the recording of patient summaries and an 83% for the treatment records collection.

This report underlines the increasing demand for professionals in information technology to take on opportunities on healthcare information technology. (http://www. mshealthcareers. com/careers/healthinfo. htm) Collaborating and interfacing the technology of computer with the needs in the practice of healthcare has always been a challenged for health care information technology and putting up the technology of electronic prescribing will yield no difference.

Both jobs of healthcare and information technology will need a comprehensive understanding of information technology a perspective of healthcare in order to be successful. This know-how will play an integral part in making certain than such initiatives in e-prescribing can become an industry standard. Computer technology aids in making many tedious, time-consuming and difficult tasks easier. Technology has taken a long time to become a part of healthcare, education will therefore help the industry to recognize the advantages of using computer technology.

Either in generating software electronic records or in maintaining the exchange of clinical data in systems, jobs in health information technology are completely appropriate for the learned skills through programs of information technology in various universities and colleges. The field of Health Information Management (HIM) integrates the disciplines of medicine, finance, management, and law and information technology. Due to this distinctive combination, health information management graduates can choose a variety of work settings with a variety of responsibilities.

The position may range from security officer accountable for the confidentiality of patient health information all throughout a health system facility to a manager of medical information sector of a hospital, long term care facility or home health agency, to a health information consultant or specialist in reimbursement. A very vital aspect of the programs in health information management is the intensively supervised professional practice component, These fields offers the opportunity to take part in supervised clinical activities in healthcare environment designed to strengthen learning experiences. (http://www. departments. dsu. edu/him)

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