Care of the clients with eye and ear disorder

1.) The primary problem in cataract is:

A.) Blurring of vision

B.) Loss of peripheral vision

C.) Presence of floaters

D.) Halos around light

2.) The primary reason for performing iridectomy after cataract extraction is:

A.) To prevent secondary glaucoma

B.) To improve the vision of the client

C.) To prevent postop hemorrhage

D.) To reduce eye discomfort

3.) Pterygium is caused primarily by:

A.) Exposure to sunlight

B.) Exposure to dust

C.) Exposure to wind

D.) Exposure to chemicals

4.) The surgical procedure which involves removal of the eyeball is:

A.) Enucleation

B.) Evisceration

C.) Exanteration

D.) Extraction

5.) A sterile chronic granulomatous inflammation of the meibomian gland is:

A.) Chalazion

B.) Hordeulum

C.) Uveitis

D.) Keratoconjunctivitis

6.) The following are nursing interventions for a blind person EXCEPT:

A.) When approaching the client, talk before touching

B.) Orient the client to the environment

C.) When assisting the client during ambulation, the nurse stays beside the client

D.) Promote the independence in activities of daily living

7.) Otosclerosis is characterized by:

A.) Increased endolymphatic pressure

B.) Replacement of normal bones by spongy and highly-vascularized bones and the stapes

become fixed with the oval window

C.) Rupture of the tympanic membrane

D.) Damage of the labyrinth or acoustic nerve

8.) Hyperopia is corrected with that type of lens?

A.) Concave lens

B.) Convex lens

C.) Aphakic lens

D.) Bifocal lens

9.) The following are appropriate nursing interventions after cataract extraction EXCEPT:

A.) Place the client in supine position or turn towards unoperated side

B.) Advise the client to avoid bending, stooping or lifting heavy objects for several weeks postop

C.) Instruct the client to limit fluid intake

D.) Advise the client to protect his eyes with eye pad and eye shield for a week

10.) The client with retinal detachment would least likely manifest which of the following signs

& symptoms:

A.) Floating spots before the eyes

B.) Flashes of light

C.) Progressive constriction of vision in one area

D.) Pain in the eye

11.) In acute glaucoma, the obstruction to the flow of aqueous humor is caused by:

A.) Thickening of the trabecular meshwork

B.) Displacement of the iris

C.) Narrowing of the canal schlemm

D.) Constriction of the pupil

12.) Which of the following is true about glaucoma?

A.) It is characterized by irreversible blindness

B.) It is treated with mydriatics

C.) The IOP is 14-21mmHg

D.) Central vision is lost initially, followed by the peripheral vision

13.) The following drugs maybe administered to the client with glaucoma EXCEPT:

A.) Diamox (Acetazolamide)

B.) Pilocarpine

C.) Atropine SO4

D.) Timolol maleate

14.) The client with retinal detachment had undergone scleral buckling. The following are

appropriate nursing interventions EXCEPT:

A.) Position the client with the area of detachment dependent

B.) Cover the eyes with pressure dressing

C.) Advise the client to avoid reading for few weeks

D.) Encourage the client to increase fluid intake

15.) Which of the following is the most characteristic manifestation of Meniere’s Dse?

A.) Tinnitus

B.) Headache

C.) Vertigo

D.) Nausea and Vomiting

16.) The diet of the client with Meniere’s disease should be:

A.) Low-Protein

B.) Low-fats

C.) Low-potassium

D.) Low-Sodium

17.) Which of the following is inappropriate nursing intervention for the client with hearing


A.) Talk in clearly enunciated words using normal tone of voice

B.) Talk directly in front of the client

C.) Use speech with gestures

D.) Use high-pitch voice

18.) Which of the following dx tests compare air conduction with bone conduction

A.) Rinne’s test

B.) Weber’s test

C.) Barany’s Rotation Test

D.) Caloric Ice Test

19.) A client who had cataract should be told to call his MD if he has which of the following


A.) Blurred Vision

B.) Eye Pain

C.) Glare

D.) Itching

20.) The following are appropriate nursing interventions after ear surgery EXCEPT:

A.) Position the client on the operated side

B.) Instruct the client not to blow the nose for at least 2 weeks

C.) Observe for signs and symptoms of 7th cranial nerve damage

D.) Advise the client against wathing TV or fast-moving objects for few weeks postop

21.) Which of the ff test assesses visual acuity

A.) Snellen’s Test

B.) Ishihara Plate

C.) Retinoscopy

D.) Tonometry

22.) Which of the following nursing interventions has priority when a client has a foreign body

protruding from the eye?

A.) Irrigate the eye with sterile saline

B.) Assess visual acuity with snellen’s chart

C.) Remove the foreign body with sterile gauze

D.) Patch both eyes until seen by Opthalmologist

23.) A client is diagnosed with Meniere’s disease. Which of the following nursing diagnosis

should take priority for the client?

A.) Altered body image

B.) Risk for injury

C.) Impaired social interaction

D.) Ineffective coping

24.) The following are characteristics of conductive hearing loss EXCEPT:

A.) The client hears better in a noisy environment

B.) The client talks in a loud voice

C.) The client hears and understands telephone conversation well

D.) The external or the middle ear is damaged

25.) It is an eye disorder characterized by lessening of the effective powers of accommodation:

A.) Myopia

B.) Presbyopia

C.) Hypertropia

D.) Presbycusis

1. A.) Blurring of vision

2. A.) To prevent secondary glaucoma

3. B.) Exposure to dust

4. A.) Enucleation

5. A.) Chalazion

6. C.) When assisting the client during ambulation, the nurse stays beside the client

7. B.) Replacement of normal bones by spongy and highly-vascularized bones and the


8. B.) Convex lens

9. C.) Instruct the client to limit fluid intake

10. D.) Pain in the eye

11. B.) Displacement of the iris

12. A.) It is characterized by irreversible blindness

13. C.) Atropine SO4

14. A.) Position the client with the area of detachment dependent

15. C.) Vertigo

16. D.) Low-Sodium

17. D.) Use high-pitch voice

18. A.) Rinne’s test

19. B.) Eye Pain

20. A.) Position the client on the operated side

21. A.) Snellen’s Test

22. A.) Irrigate the eye with sterile saline

23. B.) Risk for injury

24. B.) The client talks in a loud voice

25. B.) Presbyopia.


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