Cardiovascular fitness

Unpack the tent from the case, and join the black rods to form 2 separate longer rods. Place each rod through a sleeve in the tent, until the rod protrudes from the other end. Put the ends of the rods through the small extensions at the end of the sleeve so that the rod is now curved and taut. At the end of the extension, there will be a small plastic goop, place a nail through each hoop and hammer it into the ground, so that the tent is fixed to the ground. Repeat this procedure for every sleeve so that once it is done, the tent will be dome shaped with two long rods holding it up (as shown in the photograph); the rods should intersect at the very top of the tent. The walls of the tent should be taut.

A dome shaped tent correctly set up with taut walls, and two rods intersecting at the very top (Note the flat land on which the tent is located) COOKING- Food is the primary source of nutrients and energy known to man, and when in the wilderness, it is essential to know how to cook food for oneself. Since the activity requires a lot of energy for almost the entire day, the diet must include carbohydrates as its main component. Therefore food items such as bread, potatoes, rice, pasta and noodles would be advisable. It is important to know hot to use cooking equipment in the wild such as butane gas burners and ensure that accidents do not occur during the cooking process, especially with the gas burners since it could result severe consequences such as forest fires.

TEAMWORK- Since we had to perform the activity in groups, teamwork was and is an essential element in hill walking. Working as a team ensures that a larger number of tasks are completed in a shorter span of time, however, this can only be achieved when everyone in the team works towards one goal with sufficient intrinsic and extrinsic motivation from the peers in the team. Teamwork can be applied to tasks such as tent pitching, cooking and even climbing and overcoming obstacles. Teamwork increases the overall effectiveness of the group’s performance when done in an organized manner.

TRUST- Trust is a vital part of nearly every group activity, especially hill walking. Every member of the team should trust his peers, his navigators and the leader. The entire group’s progress as well as enjoyment of the activity can be destroyed if there is no trust being built amongst team members. In any activity, building trust and having faith in the rest of the group is critical for success since it build’s a sense of confidence amongst the team, and acts as an incentive for people to perform well.

LEADERSHIP- In any type of group, the leader is the one who ensures that the group performs their best whilst performing any activity, and this includes hill walking. A leader demonstrates to his peers, reassures them, motivates them, sets targets and most of all helps his peers. In a challenging activity like hill walking, a leader must ensure that the group functions as a team and as a single unit without any preferences or prejudice against any team member.

A leader also needs to consult with his team as to what is the opportunity cost of any decision taken. Only if all the team members are satisfied with the decision, can it be implemented. If team members are unsatisfied or are in doubt with the decision taken, they will not be able to devote their efforts completely, resulting in a mediocre performance that is not up to the group’s full potential. Everything from the route to be taken, to the food menu should be consulted upon so that each member of the group is content. Last, but not the least, a leader needs to build a sense of confidence and enthusiasm in the team, so that each and every group member enjoys the activity and performs up to his/her fullest potential. This is what will ensure that the group’s performance is culmination of everyone’s strengths and best efforts, resulting in a truly remarkable overall performance.

PERSONAL PROFILE STRENGHTS General Fitness Cardiovascular fitness- I believe that my cardiovascular fitness is at a level suitable for this kind of activity since during the expedition, I was able to walk for long periods of time without getting too tired, even while going uphill. My heart and blood vessels are efficient in transport oxygen to my muscles and to the rest of the body, thus giving me a good stamina suitable for an expedition.

Muscular endurance- In my opinion, I have good muscular endurance and my muscles have a sufficient level of tolerance for lactic acid. As a result, while walking, my hamstrings and quadriceps are able to repeat contraction for long periods of time without getting tired and without developing cramp. This helps me continue walking for a long time without muscular fatigue. Specific Fitness Agility- I feel that I am quite agile and am able change my position smoothly and correctly whilst keeping my body under control. This helps while changing direction on a slope or on a cliff’s edge, since I am to change the position of my body swiftly without losing control, thus reducing the risk of a fall or an injury.

Coordination- I believe that I am able to successfully coordinate movements between two or more of my limbs pr body parts. This was important in the expedition while walking down steep slopes since I had to move ahead while holding on to rock walls for support. I was able to coordinate the movements between my arms and legs with precision, which helped me move ahead swiftly without tripping or falling along the way. Speed- Throughout the expedition, I was able to move at an approximate speed of 4 km/hr, which is in accordance to Naismith’s Rule. As a result, I was able to cover distances as planned out earlier on the map, which made it easier for us to locate where we are and where we need to go.

WEAKNESSES General Fitness Flexibility or Suppleness- In my opinion, I was not as flexible as I should have been during the expedition. My movements were fairly stiff. My legs could move freer and my arms and hands need to be able to perform delicate movements smoothly and carefully in order to be able move swiftly. An increase in flexibility will help me overcome obstacles with ease and help me perform techniques that require a large range of movement at joints.

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