Cardiovascular endurance

Measure out a 20 metres section and mark each end with a marker cone. Carry out a warm up programme of jogging and stretching exercises. The test is conducted: it consists of running 20 metre shuttles. However, this must be in time with the electronic bleeps on the pre-recorded tape, so you have to run at a pace that the bleeps are dictating. If the athlete arrives at the end of a shuttle before the bleep, the athlete must wait for the bleep and resume running. As the levels go up, the amount of time you have to complete the 20 metres decreases.

The athlete keeps running for as long as possible until he or she can no longer keep up with the speed set by the tape at which point they should voluntarily withdraw. If the athlete fails to reach the end of the shuttle before the bleep they should be allowed 2 or 3 further shuttles to attempt to regain the required pace before being withdrawn. The longer a performer is able to continue, the higher their V02 max. This is “the maximum amount of oxygen in millilitres, one can use in one minute per kilogram of body weight. ” People who are more fit have a higher V02 max value and can work more intensely than those who have a lower V02 max.

Resting heart rate I will measure my resting heart rate and therefore, I will be able to notice whether there is a change in my fitness. Heart rate is the number of beats per minute. The lower the heart rate is, generally means that your heart is stronger and can pump more oxygen around the body in one pump. So the lower the resting heart rate, the fitter you are. The heart rate is normally measured by taking your pulse. It corresponds with the contraction of the ventricles and can be measured whenever an artery passes close to the surface. Examples: At the neck, wrists, front of foot, groins and behind the knee.

I will also measure my heart rate after the training sessions on several occasions; therefore I will be able to see whether my heart rate after exercise has changed throughout carrying out my training programme. Recovery rate The quicker you recover from exercise, the fitter you are. I will monitor the rate at which my heart rate returns to normal after each of the sessions. This will help me to find out whether my fitness is improving. I will use the step test to find out my recovery heart rate and the results based on the college students at Queen’s College will be able to give me a predicted V02 maximum.

I can then compare this with the results I obtain from doing the bleep test, which will enable me to see how closely the results match. This will help me to be more accurate when designing my plan to improve this factor. Maximum pulse rate This is worked out by taking your current age from 220. This is the absolute highest level you should achieve. Sit up max ( 60 seconds) This is a measure of trunk strength endurance. The athlete performs as many full sit ups as possible in 1 minute. Good scores are 60 for men and 50 women. Poor scores are 38 for men, and 30 women.

For this you need to do correct sit ups with your knees bent at right angles and your feet firmly on the ground. This not only measures muscular endurance, but also dynamic strength, as they are both closely linked. Muscles need to work continuously, moving and supporting the body. Flexibility testing To measure my flexibility, I used the sit and reach test. This measures how far you can reach relative to your toes. The distance you can move the slide forwards is a measure of the amount of flexibility in your lower back and hamstrings. By using the table below I could find out how flexible I am.

If I can improve the accuracy of my passing my performance will be improved as well as the team performance. This is because if my passes are inaccurate my team members are less likely to receive my passes in safe hands and so are more likely to lose possession of the ball. I chose cardiovascular endurance because I play centre and this position requires a lot of cardiovascular endurance to be able to play throughout the game successfully. I already have a moderate level of cardiovascular endurance which can be seen from the results of the bleep test.

But I feel improving it, hopefully will improve my game as; if you become fatigued your passing lacks accuracy, strength, power, you are less motivated and determined and your whole performance is affected. Therefore, if I can improve my cardiovascular endurance to prevent me from becoming fatigued my overall performance should be improved. Also if my cardiovascular fitness improves then I will have greater chance of being fitter than my opponent and so I will become fatigued much less quickly.

This is an advantage as I will be able to keep running, passing, dodging etc without being as tired as my opponent and so they will find it much more difficult to mark me. Cardiovascular endurance/aerobic capacity rely on the aerobic system, were the exercise involves the supply and use of oxygen to supply energy for prolonged performance. The aerobic system of energy production needs oxygen, and although oxygen is available at the onset of oxygen there isn’t enough to break down food fuels at a rate that matches the break down of ATP, so for immediate energy production the two anaerobic systems are used.

However, as soon as we start to exercise our heart rate and rate of ventilation increase and our ventilation system distributes more oxygenated blood to the working muscles. Within 1-2 minutes the muscles are being supplied with enough oxygen to allow effective aerobic respiration. The aerobic system which provides the energy for this prolonged work consists of three distinct body systems: the heart, the vascular and respiratory systems. These three systems closely interact to ensure a constant distribution of oxygen around the body, particularly to the muscles during exercise.

Hopefully the aerobic training I do throughout my training programme will enlarge my heart. This results in an increase in the size and mass of the chambers and so there will be an increase in my stroke volume. Also I hope to achieve a cardiac output with lower heart rate as a result of an increases stroke volume. A decrease in heat rate for a given cardiac output means the heart is having to work less hard and requires less oxygen. Also by training to improve my aerobic capacity my heart rate will probably increase more slowly during exercise.

I am going to improve my factors over a certain amount of time. After this amount of time I will perform my tests again so I can compare my results to see if I have improved. The time that I am going to improve my skills and fitness is going to be 6 weeks. Over these 6 weeks I am going to spend an equal amount of time trying to improve these factors. By improving my weaknesses hopefully I can improve my entire game. I feel this because improving my cardiovascular endurance will improve my level fitness and so I want get as tired towards the end of the netball game.

Fatigue will then have a less affect on the accuracy of my passing and I will be more motivated and determined to perform well throughout the netball game. I am going to do many different practises, as when I perform them I don’t want to feel bored and lack motivation. By introducing a lot of different practises I will feel more motivated to perform them and it will be a lot more exciting. I can also change the intensity of each training session and the frequency that I train from week to week.

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