Cancer: Cancer and American Cancer Society

Cancer is class of diseases characterized by out of control cell growth or tumors resulting from a division of the cells. There are over 100 types of Cancer and many that affect the African American Community every day. Cancer can be considered a deadly disease but also considered a curable disease if caught early. Cancer can be a hereditary disease, meaning that it has been passed down through a generation of family members. The most common Cancers amongst African American are Breast Cancer in women and in men Prostate Cancer.

Breast Cancer is a Cancer that starts in the tissues of the breast. Prostate Cancer is a Cancer that starts in the prostate gland. However both Cancers are ranked # 2 in the African American Community according to the American Cancer Society and Census Bureau. In 2011-12 three types of Cancer will be detected in both women and men 34% of African American women will be diagnosed with Breast Cancer, 13% with Lung Cancer and 11% with Colorectal Cancer. In the African American men 40% will be diagnosed with Prostate Cancer, 19% Lung Cancer and 9% Colon and Rectum Cancer.

There are over 100 different types of Cancers but the most common Cancers are Lung, breast, colon, rectal, Colorectal, Prostate, Melanoma, Pancreatic to name a few. Some are curable and some are not depending on the stage and location of the Cancer when it is detected by your physician. Lung Cancer is the most common cancer in all races across the world. There are many things that can cause cancer like being expose to chemicals, environmental toxins, excessive alcohol, sunlight, genetic, obesity, viruses and radiation.

However researchers are not sure what causes this disease. Symptoms of the disease Cancer varies and depends solely on the type and location of the Cancer. Most Cancers have no symptoms while other Cancers have to progress to a certain stage before there are symptoms. The symptoms can range from bloody bowels, fatigue, night sweats, chills, darkening of the skin, pain or tenderness in area infected, swollen lymph nodes, and pain in joints or bones.

To find out if you have the disease Cancer you must visit a doctor and report your symptoms so that a professional diagnosis can be performed. There are a several ways to determined if a person has Cancer. A biopsy of a tumor, blood test, bone marrow biopsy, chest x-ray, CT scan, MRI scan, or a complete blood count are the ways a doctor will diagnose your symptoms. Cancer can be treated with Chemotherapy, Radiation or surgery. The treatment is determined by the type of cancer and the stage of the cancer at the time it is detected.

If the cancer is confined to one location surgery can be performed to cure the cancer in that area. Some cancers require all three treatments Chemotherapy, Radiation and surgery. If it is a tumor and the infection has spread to the lymph nodes only that cancer can be removed surgically, however if that cancer has spread and cannot be removed Chemo and Radiation will be implanted as treatment. Radiation is painless and is schedule every day of the week. Chemotherapy is a combination of drugs your doctor will put together to treat a certain type of cancer.

Chemotherapy can be used to many ways when treating cancer such as relief of pain associated with the cancer, shrink tumors, kill the cancer, stop the cancer from spreading to other tissues in the body. Other types of treatment are Immunotherapy, Hyperthermia, Bone Marrow and Peripheral Blood stem Cell Transplant, Photodynamic Therapy and Laser treatment. These services are and have been used for years in the medical field. The only complications of cancer are that it may spread and cause other tissues to become infected, which could lead to other vital organs shutting down.

Diagnosis and treatment of Cancer often cause a lot of anxiety and can affect a person life in many ways. Doctors suggest patients bring a family member or friend with them when diagnosis is being explained to the patient so that they can ask the questions and obtain information the patient may not think to ask during the visit. There are some support groups available to counsel and better inform you of the cancer you have and to help you get through you ordeal for Breast Cancer, Prostate, TLC Hair Loss and Mastectomy and Online Support Groups.

All these groups can be found through the America Cancer Society and on their website. There are ways to prevent the disease Cancer by eating healthy, getting a lot of exercise such as walking, running, aerobic, or Pilates. Limit the amount of alcohol you consume, maintain a healthy weight, stop smoking or chewing tobacco, and reduce your time in the sunlight. Get regular schedule exams such Mammogram, Colonoscopy and Pap Smears done yearly.

The American Cancer Society website is a website that allows the public to research and get involved with the cancer community. On this website one can find out how to research cancer, find support and treatment, and how to stay …

Introduction According to the American Cancer Society, half of all men and one third of all women will develop cancer within their lifetime (Cancer. org). These figures are staggering. Cancer is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide and …

American Cancer Society, established in 1913, is a national community-based organization that is dedicated to fighting and eliminating cancer through prevention, research, education, advocacy, and service. The organization was established by 15 physicians and businessmen, in New York City, under …

American Cancer Society, established in 1913, is a national community-based organization that is dedicated to fighting and eliminating cancer through prevention, research, education, advocacy, and service. The organization was established by 15 physicians and businessmen, in New York City, under …

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