California Northstate College of Pharmacy

According to California Northstate College of Pharmacy (n. d. ), pharmacy education can be reformed by incorporating team-based learning in the curriculum. This system of education allows each student develop skills that are essential for individual and organizational success. I believe that introducing this learning approach will produce pharmacists that will be more successful and organized in their workplace.

Team-based learning enhances excellent interpersonal and communication attribute as well as encourage group-based decision-making and problem solving skills. Learning will be better organized, become more robust and students will successfully transfer the attitude of teamwork to the workplace when they eventually start practicing. Question #2). I have always been an industrious and outstanding student ever since my high school days.

Though I have always being ahead in my class, I have come to cherish every member of the classes I have found myself. I have gained a lot participating in creative group projects and the contributions of my colleagues in each of these groups have helped in many ways. Besides, my involvement in extra-curricular activities such as sports and debates has helped me to develop good skills in communication, teamwork and group decision-making. I consider these experiences as opportunities to contribute to the successes of the groups I have worked with.

Team-based learning aims at working towards the common goal of the organization and I am aware that this is what California Northstate College of Pharmacy upholds. I am prepared to fit into the learning environment with the team skills I have learnt.


California Northstate College of Pharmacy. (n. d. ). About Us. Retrieved December 26, 2009, from <http://www. californiacollegeofpharmacy. org/home/index. php? option=com_content& view=article &id=53&Itemid=11.

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