There are several things you can do if your concerns entail breastfeeding your baby and your supervisor just won’t let you do so even during your break time. Some of these suggestions include the following: First of all, since you only took a month off, you may take another two months off since you meet one of the criteria, which is having a new baby (State.. , 2007). According to the federal Family Medical Leave Act, an employee is entitled to avail of as much as three months of leave without having to worry of losing his or her job (State.. , 2007).
This will give you time to think of more alternatives, for instance, would you stop working for a while and breastfeed your child or would you settle for a home-based etc (State.. , 2007)? Secondly, in case you live in California, it is always good to be familiar with the California Family Rights Act, wherein, if a childbirth-associated circumstance prevents you from working, for instance, the doctor obliged you to breastfeed your child exclusively, then you have the right to file for a disability leave for another 4 months (State.. , 2007). The Pregnancy Disability Leave Act allows the aforementioned (State.., 2007).
Third, consider getting a part-time job only and leave your full time job to lessen the time away from the baby and consequently making it easier for the baby to be breastfed (20 Tips.. , 2006). Fourth, consider using breast pumps (20 Tips.. , 2006). Last but not least, speak to your employer (20 Tips.. , 2006). Convince him or her by reiterating that breastfeeding is also advantageous on his or her part because it lessens the possibility of absence by the employee since breastfeeding will keep the baby healthy and away from sickness (20 Tips.. , 2006).
Furthermore, it is always best to arrange for such, for example, explain how much it means to you that your baby be breastfed then request for arrangements, for instance, spending your lunch hour at the parking lot where your baby will be brought by your mother (20 Tips.. , 2006).
State Bar of California. (2007). What are My Rights as an Employee. Retrieved April 12, 2007 from http://www. calbar. ca. gov/state/calbar/calbar_extend. jsp? cid=10581&id=12442#11 20 Tips For Working and Breastfeeding. (2006). Retrieved April 12, 2007 from http://www. askdrsears. com/html/2/T025100. asp