Body systems diseases

Cure/Treatment/ Prevention Haemophilia Hemophilia is caused by a genetic mutation. Many large or deep bruises Joint pain and swelling caused by internal bleeding Unexplained and excessive bleeding or bruising replacement of the blood clotting factors. Sickle cell anaemia caused by a genetic abnormality in the gene for haemoglobin producing sickle haemoglobin (crescent shaped red blood cells) Shortness of breath Dizziness Headaches Coldness in the hands and feet Persons with this type of disease need regular medical care also using Medicines and Fluids can help relieve pain Angina caused by a buildup of plaque along the walls of your arteries.

The main symptom of angina is chest discomfort/pain, can vary from person to person. lifestyle changes, medicines, medical procedures Heart Attack flow of oxygen-rich blood to a section of heart muscle suddenly becomes blocked and the heart can’t get oxygen. Chest discomfort upper body pain shortness in breath anxiety Surgical procedures medications for example aspirins and thrombolytics Heart Murmur caused by blood flowing through healthy valves in a healthy heart and do not require treatment Skin that appears blue, especially on your fingertips and lips Swelling or sudden weight gain.

Shortness of breath Chronic cough Enlarged liver RESPIRATORY DISEASES Name of Disease Cause Symptoms Cure/Treatment/ Prevention Asthma It isn’t clear why some people get asthma and others don’t, but it’s probably due to a combination of environmental and genetic (inherited) factors. Wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness, and coughing. Prescribed medication such as inhalers identify and avoid asthma triggers Pneumonia Bacteria present in the atmosphere is taken in by your body and if not treated it may attack the lungs causing Fever, sweating and shaking chills.

Cough, which may produce thick, sticky fluid Chest pain when you breathe deeply or cough Shortness of breath Antibiotics Vaccines Tuberculosis This is an airborne disease and is passed from one person to another through: Coughing, sneezing, even talking can release the bacteria into the surrounding air, and people breathing this air can then become infected. coughing with green, yellow, or bloody sputum weight loss fatigue fever night sweats chills chest pain Antibiotics are used to treat TB, since it’s a bacterial infection.

Acute Bronchitis caused by a virus. It is more common during the winter months Tiredness mild fever cough Prescription medicines, such as antibiotics Pleurisy There are more than one cause for pleura they include: A viral infection, such as the flu A bacterial infection, such as pneumonia A fungal infection Lung cancer near the pleural surface Chest pain that worsens when you breathe, cough or sneeze Shortness of breath A cough A fever antibiotics anti-inflammatory drugs or pain medicines DIGESTIVE DISEASES Name of Disease Cause Symptoms Cure/Treatment/.

Prevention Appendicitis Food waste or a hard piece of stool can block the opening of the cavity that runs the length of your appendix. Gastrointestinal viral infection Aching and sharp pain in the lower right abdomen Nausea Vomiting Loss of appetite Surgery to remove the appendix Celiac disease The precise cause of Celiac disease isn’t known. Growth problems Decreased appetite and failure to gain weight Chronic diarrhea Chronic constipation Vomiting Abdominal bloating Fatigue Irritability Living Life Gluten-Free with a Medically Required Diet.

Ulcerative colitis The cause of Ulcerative colitis is not known rectal bleeding, abdominal pain, and diarrhea Both medications and surgery have been used to treat Gastroenteritis A virus is the most common cause of gastroenteritis Diarrhoea vomiting abdominal pain There is no real cure for gastroenteritis , replace any lost fluids in your body Chrohn’s disease The cause of Chrohn’s disease is unknown abdominal pain diarrhea weight loss poor appetite fever night sweats There is no medication that can cure Chrohn’s disease.

A chronic disease is an illness that is prolonged in duration, does not spontaneously resolve, and is usually not cured completely. Examples of chronic diseases are rheumatoid arthritis, lung cancer, and heart disease. Heart disease is an illness that involves …

In Elizabethan times there were many diseases. Including cholera, typhus, the deadly black plague, and many more. One of histories most deadly killers, cholera, was caused by mostly by bad sanitation. When someone swallowed food or water contaminated by the …

In Elizabethan times there were many diseases. Including cholera, typhus, the deadly black plague, and many more. One of histories most deadly killers, cholera, was caused by mostly by bad sanitation. When someone swallowed food or water contaminated by the …

The symptoms of HIV and AIDS vary, depending on the phase of infection. Symptoms of AIDS are caused by the deterioration of the immune system and the decline of (CD4+ T cells), which are the immune system’s key infection fighters. …

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