Body organises

As you can see there are quite a number of personnel working at the top of the FAW, these people make sure that everything goes as much to plan as possible and also make sure that there is some sort of authority associated with the sport. This governing body organises a lot of competitions around Wales resulting in leagues and league tables being formed, one such league is the Welsh Premier. There are many football clubs associated with this league ranging from Aberystwyth, Llanelli and Newtown, to Bangor, Caernarfon and Welshpool.

All of these teams are entered into the Welsh Premier and compete against each other throughout the season all in the hope of winning and coming top of the table. The way to find out information on the Internet is to log on to www. uefa. com and then look out for the titles reading Welsh football Associations. Regional structure. Although UEFA are a huge organisation, they cannot control every single aspect of the game in all European countries, such as Wales.

It is therefore essential that regional, intra-national organisations or governing bodies take as much control as possible and are aware of as much as possible in their area. Wales uses a pyramid system to organise its football events/competitions. The Welsh Premier is Wales’ national league and the only national competition and all leagues below it operate on a regional basis, the leagues become more localised the further down the pyramid you go. Governing bodies need to structure leagues into regional leagues so that they are more easily managed and are more organised.

Like the British Premier League, many foreign countries have adopted segmented or divisional type football leagues. Wales uses this tiered league system to organise many competitions. The Welsh Premier is the top tier or first division and all those below this division are on lower tiers. The second tier consists of two leagues that each covers half of the country. The first represents South Wales and the second, central and North Wales. The champions of both these leagues are promoted to the League of Wales.

However although this may sound quite simple, it gets much more complicated the further down the system you go. The similarity is that the teams that come top of the lower leagues are also eligible for promotion. As I’ve said, the system gets a lot more mixed up and complex the further down the pyramid you go, with teams having less professional players, and a lower status. The lower less well known teams face a larger competition and less chance of getting promoted due to the larger number of teams. Coaching Awards.

It is obvious that if a team succeeds in a particular league and win matches, then, as well as the skill and professionalism of the players being a contributor to their success, the coach of the team must be doing a good job as well. Many organisations present awards to coaches who are seen as successful and who are leading their club well. Without coaches, teams would stand little chance of playing as a team, keeping fit and developing skills, coaches maintain the levels of professionalism whatever the status of the club.

Many coaches have to go through training to acquire qualifications in order to coach at the highest level and receive award after doing so. The FA present awards to qualified coaches after they complete training courses at different levels. One such award is the FA Level 1 which is a certificate in coaching football, the course can be taken by anyone over the age of 16 and is an intensive 20 hour course that involves the person dealing with practical coaching, child protection, emergency first aid, over use injuries, child development and growth spurts.

Another coaching award is from the NGB or National Governing Body of football. People who have obtained qualifications through their NGB normally go to work shops to further their experience and become better at their job. When someone has obtained qualifications and coaching awards they can pursue a career in coaching their chosen sport and can apply their knowledge acquired through previous courses to coach at various levels.

Once in a part time job a coach earn anything from 6 to 20 an hour and full time jobs can pay from 12,000 to 20,000 per annum. Promotional/grass root schemes. It is essential for professional and semi-professional teams to be able to pick or select the next best players in order to maintain the reputation of the club and the skill levels required to reach the top of their league. Without grass root schemes young players would not be able to develop their skills or play enough to get recognised by larger clubs.

Grass root schemes also make sure that young children are made aware of the benefits of football or any sport and are also taught rules, and the value of teamwork from a very young age. Sports such as football are huge and although the sport does benefit from promotional and grass root schemes, the sport does have a huge following, it is estimated that there are around 70,000 boys playing football for either schools or clubs between the age ranges of under 11 to under 16 and that over 500,000 play between the ages of 9-16.

Grass roots football in the United Kingdom is the responsibility of the 43 county football associations that are affiliated with the FA and make sure everything is organised at a local level. Within the individual county associations there are technical directors that oversee the development of football players from their grass roots all the way up to the highest level of the game. There are centres all over the UK that the FA manages and that develop players at grass root levels.

Promotional schemes arise all the time around the country and may take the form of celebrity appearances that may boost the turnout of the event and thus the chance of the sport appealing to more young children is increased. The ability to promote a sport such as football depends largely on the willingness of children to participate at grass roots levels and their eagerness to participate at higher levels.

Ultimately the children need to have the drive or enthusiasm to take part at low levels of the sport and maintain that ambition so that they will achieve the highest possible level of success in the sport. In Wales, grass roots schemes such as Dragon Sports help to promote football and get more young children involved by using players that can be used as examples of what you can achieve if you persevere. Dragon Sports organise events where the children can turn up and spend the day being taught by professional players and obviously having fun.

Other schemes that the grass root of FA provide is funding for leagues outside the national league systems. These are the leagues that the majority of all children play in and are the foundation for young talent A big Charity which …

‘Grass-roots’ football in the United Kingdom is the responsibility of the 43 County Football Associations throughout England. These are independent bodies, which are affiliated to the Football Association, and are responsible for all aspects of the game at local level. …

Mini Soccer is The FA’s approved form of football for the under 10s, using small-sided non-competitive games to encourage a fun introduction to football. With no winners or losers, teams play a maximum of 1 hour of football each. The …

This local study offers an overview of the provision of Football in the local area, Sandwell. Football has a well-developed structure in Sandwell as it is the most widely played sport in the area and the sport is encouraged to …

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