Better and healthier lifestyle

Motivation to take up sport of more people will come from watching the Olympics on television or in person, or by the better sports facilities and better access to sport via grassroot teams. This increase participation in sport would decrease the high obesity level that is now common among adults and children alike thus increasing the life expectancy of the country and lowering the cost to run the NHS as less operations/cancer and other obesity related diseases are occurring.

Also, this could help stop crime. Most people say that people commit crime as they are bored and have nothing else to do; if the people are occupied with sport then they are less likely to resort to crime in search of amusement.

The 2012 games will also be a ‘zero-waste’ games. By avoiding landfill and using waste as a resource for recycling and reuse. This will first of all produce no extra costs for dumping the rubbish somewhere and also help the public to realise that recycling is important which would increase the amount of rubbish recycled and reduce the amount of waste the country produces in the future.

There are also external benefits which England will gain from hosting the Olympics. The Olympics will attract overseas investments such as Olympic sponsors, an example of this, although not overseas, was the Atlanta Olympic games which coca cola had a big hand in funding and making Atlanta its home town by doing so. It can also gain world sports events in the future as it has shown the country can host the biggest sporting event in the world and also has the most up to date sporting stadiums, facilities etc.

I conclude that London and England hosting the Olympics will be incredibly beneficial for England’s economy, the government and the public. The economy will receive a massive amount of money while the Olympics are taking place, through advertising, tourism, overseas investments and an increase in jobs available. The economy will also thrive after the Olympics have taken place as tourists would have seen England on television and in a good light.

The government will benefit so much form the Olympics taking place, the public will like the governmental party more for hosting the Olympics in England and also the governments public relations with other countries would have grown a lot. The public would also benefit form the Olympics as they will have more sporting facilities, less crime and racial abuse, increase in services and transportation and possibly a better and healthier lifestyle.

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