Behavior Therapy

Hypnosis is a kind of psychotherapy that is considered as the oldest and still used today. The roots of this treatment started in Vienna and Paris though the practice of Franz Anton Mesmer in the 1770s. He believed that there is an invisible force accumulated in his body which he called animal magnetic fluid that he could transmit to sick people in order to restore their health. He made use of magnets which he applied to the body of his patients. His claims were eventually proven incorrect by Benjamin Franklin (p. 125).

Cognitive behavior therapy is another type of psychotherapy which is based on two central tenets. The first one is that human cognition has an influence on emotion and behavior. Secondly, manifestation of certain behaviors has strong effects on thought patterns and emotions (Wright, et al, 1995, p. 1). CBT focuses on three areas of pathological functioning which are cognitions, emotions and behaviors (p. 4). Combining cognitive behavior therapy with hypnosis provides a more effective intervention for clients who are experiencing high levels of stress and stress disorders.

CBT-Hypnosis sessions will also be available for clients in the wellness center. Treatment will be given individually. Sessions will be for one hour each, twice every week, for two weeks. The program for hypnosis will be administered and facilitated by well trained psychotherapists. A study supporting the implementation of hypnotherapy was conducted by Richard Bryant, Michelle Moulds, Rachel Guthrie, and Reginald Nixon on the additive benefit of hypnosis and cognitive behavioral therapy in treating acute stress disorder (2005).

The study was participative of civilian trauma survivors who met the criteria for having Acute Stress Disorder (ASD). They were randomly assigned to six sessions of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), CBT combined with hypnosis, or supporting counseling. Results of the study showed that after the treatment in the CBT-Hypnosis and CBT groups, participants experienced less symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder that is less than what the participants in the SC group experienced.

The findings suggest that cognitive behavior therapy, supported by hypnosis has significant impact in stress management and treatment of stress disorders. Music Therapy According to the American Music Therapy Association, music therapy is an evidence based and clinical use of interventions in order to accomplish certain individual goals through a therapeutic relationship by the therapist who has completed an approved music therapy program. Techniques included in music therapy consist of stress reduction with the use of playing musical instruments, or listening for relaxation.

The genre of music is not an issue and clients do not have to have inclination in music so as to participate in the program. In psychiatric facilities, clients who have mental health needs are allowed to explore personal feelings, change mood, and develop a sense of control. They also practice problem solving leading to stronger interpersonal relationships (“Frequently Asked Questions”, n. d. ). The stress management center will also incorporate music therapy as one of its programs. The program is individualized and customized according to the client’s needs.

The program will be administered by a qualified music therapist, who is also the one responsible for designing the treatment plan in accordance to the specifications suited for each client. Studies in music therapy found the treatment to be inconsistent. However, a new study conducted by Wendy Knight, and Nikki Rickard supports the claims that music therapy is indeed an effective anxiolytic treatment. Their study entitled, “Relaxing Music Prevents Stress-Induced Increases in Subjective Anxiety, Systolic Blood Pressure, and Heart Rate in Healthy Males and Females” consisted of undergraduate students, 43fo which are female and 44 are male.

They were exposed to a cognitive stressor task where in they need to prepare for an oral presentation either in the presence of Pachelbel’s Canon in D major, or in silence. Anxiety, heart rate, blood pressure, cortisol, and salivary IgA were measured before and after the presentation of the stressor. The stressor increased the subjects’ anxiety, heart rate, and systolic blood pressure in the males and females of the control group. However, the music in the other group prevented the said increases. The effect was independent of gender. Music also enhanced the baseline salivary IgA levels when there were no stress-induced effects (2001).

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Looking back into history, the origin of music is unknown, however during ancient times, music was originally used as a part of rituals and healing ceremonies. Music was thought to have divine worth that brought balance to the human soul, …

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