Behavior Changes

One must realize that a child who is overweight is easily discouraged and more subjected to teasing in school so it is important to educate the parents to deal with their overweight children to avoid self discrimination and hatred (Litchfield et al, 2004).

One of the most important aspect of a child dealing with weight issues is self doubt and self worth, it is important to always reassure the child that he/she is loved and loved wholeheartedly even if they are overweight, it is also important for parents not to dwell on the weight, avoiding special treatment/consideration given to an overweight child is also essential, the child must realize that he or she is not different from others specially siblings.

A parent should also be the role model for their child, healthy eating and general healthy habits done by the parent and taught to the child is more effective than any diet program and last but not the least, a parent should be a part of their child’s life, involvement equals concern, concern equal love seen through the eyes of the child. Practically speaking, parents who are aware of their child’s whereabouts and set of friends and have set and clear rules regarding eating, leisure and general habits shows their children to be healthy mentally and physically.

Researchers also suggest that when both parents are physically active, the child is six times more possibly to be physically active. If one parent routinely eats elevated fat provisions, the child is two times as apt to be overweight. If two parents are apt to eat high fat foods, the child is three to six times more likely to be overweight or obese (Understanding Childhood Obesity Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 1999).

The following are suggestions that can help individuals and families to better control obesity. Behavioral changes and strategies can be taken in consideration in order to control obesity. Monitoring of food/calorie intake and changes in general eating habits may help control obesity (CDC, 2007). Change in physical activities like decreased television time and more time spent outside, engagement in sports activity to enhance and promote weight loss (Wolf et al, 1985).

It can also be noted that parent participation is essential in order for any program for children to work as it was noted by Epstein et al (1987) that behaviorally based therapies that include parents are essentially more effective. Graves, Meyers, and Clark (1988) in their studies used problem-solving drills in a parent-child behavioral program and established that children who are in the problem-solving group, but not those in the behavioral treatment-only group, considerably reduced percentage of overweight and continued reduced weight for at least six months.

Problem-solving training involved identifying possible weight-control problems and, as a group, discussing solutions. • Diet Management Extreme weight loss solutions like fasting or heightened calorie reduction is not advisable for children in the sense that such moves might hinder the normal progression of growth in the child in question (CDC, 2007). It can also be mentally stressful for the child to be deprived of the normal eating habits and may hinder growth.

A good knowledge of nutrition maybe a good thing to possess and consultations with a dietitian maybe considered in order to accurately know the right way to go in dieting and reducing weight especially if a child is involved. • Increased Physical Activity Increase physical activities like engaging in sports or simply adapting a more active lifestyle may be a good predictor in reducing and ultimately avoiding obesity (CDC, 2007).

A good exercise program if followed routinely is known to be a good way to eliminate fat and increase energy not only in children but in adults as well. One may opt to start more slowly; little changes can be done in order to increase activity, to increase outdoor playing time and activities with their guardians or parents to encourage them. And adapt a fun and enjoyable outdoor activity that can encourage the child to doing more of it rather than sit idly in front of the television or play video/computer games for hours on end.

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