Bacterial Infections of Humans

The process of vaccine development includes basic research, development, testing, production, and marketing; involving numerous organizations in both the public and private sectors. Basic research, needed to identify the pertinent characteristics of the pathogen and the host’s immune response, is extremely time-consuming and expensive, and usually conducted in federally funded academic and government laboratories (Grady, 1995 p. 20). DPT is pointed out to cause several associated signs and symptoms that usually manifests upon initial administration of the vaccine.

In fact, the occurrence of such reactions has been pointed out to be the major contributors for the occurring social stigma of the public especially in terms of the vaccine safety. The most common initial effects of DPT vaccine manifested in the site of administration are slight to extreme redness, edema or swelling, itchiness or discoloration (appearing cyanotic). On the other hand, other side effects may progress to low to high-grade fever, decrease in appetite, feeling of fatigue, weakness, and feeling of malaise.

Such signs and symptoms usually appear 2-24 hours after vaccine administration. The crucial point is the post-phase of vaccination not only because of these signs and symptoms, but also due to the life threatening conditions caused by the vaccine. For the past 30 years of DPT course program, there have been reports and claims of these life threatening reactions, such as seizures, convulsions, anaphylaxis, and shock that are even claimed to have caused death (Evans & Brachman, 1998 p. 58).

In the course analysis of the facts obtained, DPT vaccine has been utilized as the primary immunizing agent in order to alleviate possible occurrences of diseases, particularly diphtheria, pertussis and tetanus. Due to various complications resulted by the vaccine itself, various issues and social stigmas have been retained in minds of the public. Immunization is a controversial issue in pediatric medicine today. Any vaccination has the potential to cause reaction in some children. Deciding whether or not to have your child receive vaccinations is a complex and, ultimately, a personal matter.

More than anything else, though, it was probably the serious and frightening side effects observed in some children who had been given the pertussis vaccine, which is primary component of DPT, that brought the question of the safety of immunizations to public’s attention. Short-term complications of the standard DPT vaccine can include, fever, irritability, screaming syndrome, excessive sleepiness, seizures, and localized inflammation (Zand and Walton, 2004 p. 330). In addition to citing the risk of side effects, opponents of immunization question the efficacy of vaccines in the first place.

Studies have shown that 5 to 10 % of children who have vaccinated against pertussis still contract the disease. The public has conjured anxious behavior over DPT vaccination, unblamingly, due to the occurrence of initial reactions. However, basing everything on the fact that such vaccination provides an essential aspect of treatment in the conditions of diphtheria, pertussis and tetanus, the argument imposed therefore should side on the negation of such anxious behavior over DPT vaccine. It is very much observed that DPT vaccine provides an evident and potent treatment for the occurrence of the said diseases.

The symptoms associated in the post-vaccination phase need to be considered still. It is very well understood that the signs and symptoms only appear as the initial reaction from the vaccine, and not viewed to be permanently damaging. Risks are still present in the overall disease progression; however, the treatment still provides the best possible treatment and prevention available in the market. Even with the occurring adversities, the benefits of the vaccine still outweigh the negative aspects of the vaccine (Evans & Brachman, 1998 p. 58).

With the advent of medical improvements and technological advancements, a newer version of the DPT that utilizes a more purified pertussis vaccine developed in Japan has become available and seems to cause fewer side effects. However, the controversy over immunization continues due to the inappropriateness of DPT vaccine administration (Grady, 1995 p. 20). DPT is being administered until the child has reached the age of 2, which already suggests the stage of maturation of the child’s nervous and immune systems; hence, implies that these children can already handle the effects of the vaccine.

In this case, the purpose of age allowance given is not anymore practical; although, the decrease in side effects is a promising characteristic involved in this new DPT vaccine discovery. Study Reflection The disease concept involves the issue on utilization of vaccine as it accompanies risky side effects, particularly the life threatening conditions of seizures, nervous breakdowns, and cardiac complications.

Most predominantly, children are the primary victims of the disease itself due to developing immunity responses, which predisposes the child into various associated complications. As the issue argues and critiques the administration of DPT vaccine, the basic counter argument that is appropriate to negate the opposition is through the application of ethical principles, particularly the perspectives of double effect and beneficence. DPT may cause initial bodily reaction upon administration; however, the conditions are most commonly temporary.

Moreover, the primary motive involved in the administration of such vaccine is to provide protection from the occurrence of three deadly conditions, specifically diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus. Unfortunately, the occurrences of side effects are inevitable since, these are mainly part of initial bodily reaction against these introduced inactive pathogens. Such manifestations are charge-free from direct and motivated damaging implications as provided by the principle of double effect. In addition, the principle of beneficence provides security of motive.

Evidently, epidemiological counts of the diseases are extensively increasing and the evident treatment that successfully reverted the diseases involved is the DPT vaccine; hence, outweighing the negative effects of the vaccine by the greater benefit justifies its utilization.

Reference Coulter, H. L. , & Fisher, B. (1991). A Shot in the Dark: Why the P in the Dpt Vaccination May Be Hazardous to your Child’s Health. Avery. Evans, A. S. , & Brachman, P. S. (1998). Bacterial Infections of Humans: Epidemiology and Control. Springer.

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