Bacterial Disease Chart

Affects children 2-5 years Can heal with no treatment needed Scaled Skin Syndrome StaphlococcusSystemic Infection of normal microbiotaDesquamation (peeling of the skin) Treatment: Antibiotics Frequent in hospital nurseries Necrotizing fasciitis Streptococcus Pyogenes“Flesh eating” Direct Contact Extensive soft-tissue destruction Virulent antibiotic resistant strain Severe infections can eat through skin in 6 hours Otis external (Swimmer’s ear).

Pseudomonas aeruginosaSwimming pools, saunas, hot tubs External ear canal infection also prevalent in burn victims Conjunctivitis (Pink eye) HaemophilesDirect Contact fomites Redness Allergies can also cause this condition Ophthalmia neonatorumNeisseria gonorrhoeaeDirect contact Through the birth canal Acute infection with much pus formation Eye infection in newborns Trachoma Chliamydia trachomotisDirect contact (fomites, flies).

Conjunctivitis #1 cause of blindness in world Bacterial Meningitis Haemophilus influenza type B Direct Contact Endogenous infection: aerosols Fever, headache, stiff neck, nausea, vomiting Rare in U. S. Bacterial Meningococcal Meningitis Neisseria meningitidisDirect Contact Droplet Transmission (Aerosols) Petechial rash Global problem.

Bacterial Pneumococcal Meningitis Streptococcus PneumoniaeDirect Contact Droplet Transmission Aerosols Headache, stiff neck Fatal in children & the elderly ListeriosisListeria MonocytogenesVehicle Transport Food born infection Fever, muscle aches, nausea, diarrhea, stiff neck, confusion Dangerous to pregnant woman and children Tetanus Clostridium tetaniIndirect Contact Puncture wound Lock-jaw, muscle spasms Vaccinate every 10 yrsBotulism Clostridium Botulinum Indirect Contact Foodborne intoxication Flaccid paralysis, Nausea but no fever, neurological symptoms Food poisoning Proper canning of foods Leprosy Mycobacterium leproe M.

LepromotosisDroplet Transmission Prolonged contact with contaminated secretions Loss of sensation in skin: disfiguring nodules Hansen’s disease Endemic in other countries Endocarditis Mostly alph-hemolytic streptococci: Staphylococcus pyogenesFrom focal infection elsewhere in the body Fever, general weakness, heart murmur, damage to heart vessels Focal infection- Ex: Microorganisms released from tooth extraction or tonsillectomies Pericarditis Streptococcus pyogenesFrom focal infection elsewhere in the body.

Fever, general weakness, heart murmur Focal infection Anthrax Bacillus AnthracisIndirect Contact Soil; large grazing mammals (cows, sheep) Papule {cutaneous); bloody diarrhea (gastrointestinal); 1 / 2 septic shock (inhalational) Bioterrorism threat Gangrene Clostridium perfrinensIndirect Contact Puncture wound; soil Tissue death at infection site Underlining conditions & suppressed immune systems are at higher risk Plague Yersinia pestisZoonotic (Rodents, Fleas) inhalation Enlarged lymph nodes; septic shock. Fever, bleeding from mouth AKA: Black Death Lyme disease Borrelia burgdorferiZoonotic.

Ixodes ticks Bulls-eye rash; neurologic symptoms Emerging Infectious Disease Most commonly reported tick-borne illness in the U. S. Streptococcal Pharyngitis (Strep throat) Streptococci; especially Streptococcus pyogenesDirect contact Inflamed mucous membrane of the throat More common in children and teens Diphtheria Corynebacterium diphtheriaeDirect contact; Droplet transmission Grayish membrane forms in throat; cutaneous form also occurs Extremely rare in the U. S. Pertussis (Whooping cough) Bordetella pertussis Direct contact with someone who is infected;

Inhalation Uncontrollable violent dry cough (whoop sound}, fever, congestion Emerging Infectious Disease Primarily found in children Dental caries (cavities) Primarily Streptococcus mutonsMicroorganisms Discoloration or hole in tooth enamel Prevention – brushing, flossing, reduce sucrose Periodontal disease Various, primarily Porphyromonas spp. Microorganisms pathogen Bleeding gums, puss pockets Prevention – Plaque removal Shigellosis Shigella spp. Vehicle Transmission foodborne or water Tissue damage & dysentery More common in summer than winter Children 2 – 4 are more susceptible.

Salmonellosis Salmonella entericaVehicle Transmission Nausea & diarrhea. fever Most widely distributed food borne disease worldwide Cholera Vibrio-cholerae 0:1 & 0:139 Vehicle Transmission (contaminated water) Diarrhea with large water loss, shock, collapse, death Gastrointestinal disease Endemic in coastal waters of the U. S. Traveler’s diarrhea Gastrointestinal pathogens/Viruses/ Unidentified parasites Direct Contact Watery diarrhea Travel related illness from unsanitary conditions Peptic ulcers Helicobacter pylori Grow in high acid environments of the stomach Peptic ulcer Blood.

Type O are more susceptableLeptospirosis Leptospira InterrogansZoonosesHeadache, muscular aches, fever, kidney failure is a possible complication Spread from wild animals to humans Tropical environments: Hawaii Gonorrhea Neisseria gonorrhoeaeDirect Contact Men: Painful urination and discharge of pus Women: Few symptoms but possible complications, such as PID STD Syphilis Treponema pallidumDirect Contact Chancre at site of infection; skin & mucosal rash STD ChancroidHaemophilus ducreyiDirect Contact (STD) Painful ulcers of genitals; swollen lymph nodes in growinRarely seen in the U. S. POWERED BY TCPDF (WWW. TCPDF. ORG)

Complete a grid to iden? fy the common signs and symptoms of childhood illnesses/allergies, accidents and injuries and how these should be responded to within your early years se%ng. Illness/Allergy Signs and Symptoms Procedural Response Allergy (examples) 1. 2. 3. …

The definition of meningitis is any inflammation of the meninges or membranes of the central nervous system. This inflammation can be caused by any number of pathogens such as fungi, viruses, and bacteria. Bacteria is most commonly associated with the …

Ebola is a rare and very deadly disease that is caused by the infection with a strain of the Ebola virus. In the year 2014, the largest breakout of Ebola was reported. This epidemic affected many countries in West Africa. …

History of Present Illness:Hip Fracture – patient fell in her home and broke her hip (admitting diagnosis). Vascular Dementia brought on by several TIA’s (Etiology/Pathology) Pts. progressive cognitive deficits led to her fall, and inabilility to perform normal ADL’s and …

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