Avicenna and Hippocrates

Hippocrates was born on the island of Cos, Greece around 460 BC. (5) Hippocrates is known as the founder of medicine. He is believed to be the greatest doctor of his time. Not much is known much about his childhood. We do know that his parents were rich so that gave him a chance for a good education. Hippocrates also studied under his father who was a doctor. Hippocrates learned from his father what to look for when a patient was sick and how to treat them. People of Ancient Greece were very superstitious.

When they got sick they thought if they went to a temple and prayed the gods would heal them. However, Hippocrates had theories that diseases were not caused by the Gods but by natural causes. Hippocrates would carfully watch his patents and record their illness. He would watch for skin color, their eyes, and fever. By carefully taking notes of all his findings he would try to find a cure. Hippocrates also believed that there were four elements associated with each season. Air (spring), water (winter), Earth (autumn) and fire (summer).

He believed if you were sick it was because of the season. For example, in the winter you would get a cold and runny nose, in the summer you would get a heat rash. (2) Hippocrates also said the body was made up of four essential liquids; blood, phlegm, yellow bile, and black bile. He called these liquids Humours. If he came across a person that was sick he believed it was because one of these Humours was out of balance. (3) Hippocrates believed the body should be treated as a whole not as a part.

To keep you healthy you should get a good night’s rest, a good diet, fresh air, and be clean. If you did become ill he would observe you. He thought the body could heal itself over time. He would give his patient something for the pain and send them home. (2) Hippocrates taught students and other Doctors his findings. He told the doctors to make sure their hands were clean and the operating room sterile and to have lots of light to work with. Hippocrates thought that people that were happy would heal faster so he told the doctors to be happy and make the room cheerful.

(1) He told the doctors to work hard and do what is right for the patient. Many of Hippocrates practices are still used today. Hippocrates had a set of rules of conduct for doctors called the “Hippocratic Oath”. Doctors swear on this oath to practice medicine ethically and honestly. Hippocrates died around 377 BC in Larissa, Greece. His work will always be remembered trough the study of students and the work of doctors. Hippocrates is known today as the “Father of Medicine”.

REFERENCES: Hippocrates: Father of medicine (online)www. gardenofpraise. com/ibdhipp. htm (February 7, 2013) Galaxy Nutrients: Tree of Hippocrates (online) www. galaxynutrients. com/tree-of-hippocrates-s/2. htm (February 8, 2013) Ancient Greek Medicine: History for Kids (online) http://www. historyforkids. org/learn/greeks/science/medicine/ (February 8, 2013) Hippocrates: (online) www. biologie. uni-hamburg. de/b-online/library/history/hippoc. html (February 8, 2013) Hippocrates: (online) http://www. nndb. com/people/680/000087419/ (February 9, 2013).

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