Available Treatments and Therapies

The treatments and therapies offered in the society today does not only help the victims, instead they are also primarily designed to give assistance to the accused ones; especially those who are noted as someone “not in the right mind” when the incident happened. Most likely, this involves what police officers call restorative justice for the abusers. On the other hand, the focus largely remains on the recovery of those who were victimized by the devastating event.

Several psychological rehabilitating programs are noted to have been established to give assistance to the said victims thus revitalizing them and giving them the power that they have lost over their own lives because of being abused. In these therapies, they are helped to realize the fact that they are still capable of reliving their lives and their dreams even though they do have a scarred past. They are also encouraged to view the said abusive state in their lives as one of the lessons that would actually give them the chance to become

stronger than ever in fighting for themselves as they try avoiding the same situations from occurring again. However, helping the victims is not that simple. The implementation of the programs are gradual and takes several steps before the victims could actually recover from the past. This then makes it easier for the ones implementing the program to garner the trust of the victims thus making them recover from the past in a social manner. (Straus, 1979, 14) Summary of Major Points

From the discussion and the review that are further made in this chapter, it could be observed that there really are different possibilities that lead to people being harshly abusive of their fellowmen. The different elements that were noted to contribute massively in the process of getting used to abusing people could be concise into three factors that include (a)Personal background of being abused; (b)environmental or social influence; and (c) stress and pressures brought about by dealing with different daily problems. Knowing these reasons, the review also tackles about the major effects that abusive events have on the victims.

It could be noted that it is through those results that the overall impact of abuse on the society could be measured carefully. It is also through the accountability of these results that the identification of the major treatments that need to be applied are carefully examined as to how they are supposed to affect the situations directly. It could be noted too, that governments have already tried to do the most necessary steps that they believe they should do to be able to come up with the most effective regulations that are intended to assist people in recovering from the different abusive incidents in their lives.

Hand in hand with the NGO’s and other independent groups, the whole society of the humankind has actually created ways in saving their own selves from the destructive effects of abuse in their lives. (Spatz, 10989, 18) Hypothesis Abuse is the way by which people try to maltreat their fellowmen. This is regardless of the fact that the people being maltreated are either their friends or their family members as well. It could not be denied that this dreadful situation have affected the sections of human socialization already.

The school institutions, the workplace, the churches and now even within homes, the existence of abuse cannot be much controlled anymore. This is primarily the reason why it is very important to take several things regarding this particular issue into consideration for studying. This would naturally allow a more focused procedure that shall be developed to assist abused victims both young and old, men and women to recover from the situation that they have been involved with when they were abused in the past. It is then through this particular paper that the ideas on furthering domestic abuse cases shall be introduced for further discussion.

For instance, if an individual is most likely more prone to dealing with an environment of devastation, then he would have more reasons of later on becoming directly affected by the situation and do something that is destructive as well even towards his family members. Meanwhile, if a person remains unaware of the situation that he or she is under, then that individual would likely become the target of abuse in the house. These claims shall either be proven true or weak within the discussions that follow through.

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One psychological therapy of depression in Psychodynamic Interpersonal Therapy, this therapy was developed by Hobson, and focuses mainly on the relationship between the therapist and patient. When a comfortable relationship is established, past events that could be the cause of …

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