Australian Healthcare System

Question 1. I agree that constraint on medical procedure and the use of federal, state and regional triage cuts down the cost of Medicare (Nocera & Garner, 1999). However we must understand that “choosing among programs and interventions that might produce many different kinds of health outcomes” (Hildred &Watkins, 1996). Health outcomes can not be improved with the use of triage and constraints on medical procedure (Ramsey, Sullivan & Kaplan, 2008).

Question 2. Australian Healthcare System is mainly funded through public tax (The Common wealth Fund, 2004).

Apart from this, medical responsibilities are shared between the commonwealth (federal), the state and territorial government (The Common wealth Fund, 2004). With the growth in population, there is bound to be demand for more funds (Medhunters. com). Government policy in terms of monitoring of lifestyles of citizens help in decreasing mortality rates. Question 3. One of the primary issues surrounding funding of Medicare in Australia is that of responsibility (Nocera & Garner, 1999).

This is the problem of ascribing responsibility between the commonwealth, state and territorial governments. (thecommonwealthfund. com). Another issue is the unclear ascription of responsibility to the private sector. (World Health Organization Statistical Information System: Core Health Indicators)


http://www. commonwealthfund. org/fellowships/fellowships_show. htm? doc_id=372961 http://www. medhunters. com/articles/healthcareInAustralia. html Nocera A, Garner A. (1999) Australian disaster triage: a colour maze in the Tower of Babel.

Retrieved from http://www. ncbi. nlm. nih. gov/pubmed/10472919 on November 5, 2008 Hildred, Watkins L, (1996). The Nearly Good, the Bad and the Ugly in Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Health Care. Retrieved from http://www. questia. com/googleScholar. qst;jsessionid=JRZBBStPG3L4kMkkkTmVMqJxFGSLJGQnB2Tl1GGTnvD3tSvwQ4ct! 341839517? docId=5000412819 Briggs AH, O’Brien BJ, Blackhouse G. Thinking outside the box: recent advances in the analysis and presentation of uncertainty in cost-effectiveness studies. Annu Rev Public Health 2002;23:377–401

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