Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder

Increase production, decrease absoption of CSF in the ventricular system. Clinical Manisfestations: Headache improves when sittign upright Strabismus Irritable Lethargy Cries when picked up or rocked and quiet when laid down Shrill high pitched cry Vomiting EARLY (infancy) -rapid head growth -bulging fontanels (Tense and nonpalsatile) -Dilated scalp viens -Separted sutures -Thin skull bones LATE: -Frontal enlargement -Depressed eyes -Setting sun( sclera visible above iris) -Pupils sluggish and unequal to light.

Cx an increased intracraninal pressure, resulting in dilation of ventrilces. Mainly occur at the sagittal suture of children younger than 12. DX: measure head circumference for increasing size over 2-4 weeks with neourological signs MRI and CT scan TX: Sugical treatment? removal of tumor or placing a shunt. Massive doses of ABX to prevent CNS infection CSF drains? monitor output and don’t remove dsg for any reason Interventions: Moitor for IICP ? meausing head paplate fontanels VS/LOCFeeding pattern Postion of unoperate side Lay flat.

HOB elevated 30 degress Head midline? facilate drainage and prevent JVD REYE’s SYNDROME: Toxic encephalopathy, with organ involvement Cx: Taking aspirin during a viral infection? commonly flu and varicella Dx: elevated ammonia level S/S: Fever Impaired consciousness Decresed hepatic function *Cerebral edema with IICP* TX: Lumbar puncture, blood tests, monitor I&Os ( dehydration or cerebral edema risk), monotir for hypovolemic shock, liver dysfuction? impaired coagulation ( prolonged bleeding times) FEBILE SEIZURE: Tempeture reaches 101.

8, seizures occur when temp increased not after. Most children will not have epilepsy or neurologic damage Occurs between 6 months and 3 years old Common in male TX: Antipyretics Diazepam rectually Prophylaxis? if focal or prolonger sizure occur No tepid baths Call 911 if seizure last longer than 5 mins CEREBRAL PALSY: MENINGITIS: AUTISM: ADHD: inattentiveness, impulsivity, and, at times, hyperactivity. affects schoolwork. TX: Stimulants: Methylphenidate (Ritalin) or Dexedrine Decrese stimuli Consistent rountines Rountine evalutations.

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