Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder

Imagine. You are attempting to get an assignment accomplished for school. You already know you should get it done, and you know you can achieve it, But you keep having these thoughts going through your head and continues to wander off . Soon you realize that you have lost several hours that could have been used to finish the assignment. You try to get back into focus yet your mind wanders again, and again until soon you have to rush to get it done, and risk doing poorly, if you get it done at all. Unfortunately, for many people this is what it is like to have ADHD.

It is a lifelong, genetic, complicated, contradictory, inconsistent, and frustrating medical condition that affects certain types of brain functioning like how properly someone can sit still, focus, and concentrate. It is a socially and educationally debilitating. Both children and adults need medical help to deal with its symptoms. ADHD is a diagnosis applied to children and adults who consistently display certain characteristic behaviors over a period of time. these behaviors vary from person to another.

The most common behaviors fall into three categories: •Inattention person find it agonizing to do homework. Often, forgot to plan ahead by writing down the assignment or bringing home the right books. And when trying to work, every few minutes their mind keep drifting to something else. •Hyperactivity person always seem to be in motion. He can’t sit still and talk incessantly. Hyperactive teens and adults may feel intensely restless. They may be fidgety or try to do several things at once . •Impulsivity. person don’t think before they act. As a result they may blurt out inappropriate comments.

Or they may run into the street without looking. it is hard for them to wait for things they want or to take their turn in games. They may grab a toy from another child or hit when they’re upset. Even though the symptoms are very clear but it could be very hard to diagnose properly because it is very difficult to judge what the normal level of these problem are. It all depend on a psychological test which is a questionnaires for the parent and the teacher of a child . Last year the Food and Drug Administration approved a brain wave device that help detect ADHD .

The device is an EEG-based tool and a computer program that analyzes brain activity to help confirm a diagnosis of ADHD. But according to some researchers it is really not will under stood and there is new data that showed many factor that interfered with an accurate diagnosis. Scientists searching effortlessly to identify better ways to treat, and hopefully one day, prevent ADHD. They are finding more and more evidence that ADHD does not stem from home environment, such as too much TV, food allergies, excess sugar, poor home life, or poor schools, but from biological causes.

Recently new tools and techniques for studying the brain have been developed, scientists were able to link between a person’s ability to pay continued attention and the level of activity in the brain. It appears from this research that a lower level of activity in some parts of the brain may cause inattention. Some other research using the (RFMRI)showed ADHD patients may have more widespread brain abnormalities than previously shown’ Researchers say RFMRI may be a useful tool in providing accurate and early diagnosis of ADHD ADHD is treated with a mix of medications and behavioral therapy.

It can be managed through behavioral or medical interventions or a combination of the two. It has also been shown to have long-term adverse effects on academic performance, professional achievement, and social-emotional advancement. . One of the most common and used medication is (methylphenidate HCI) . It comes in long acting and short acting pills, liquid, and patches . Although it help people with ADHD to focus, It has much more serious side effects . it has heart related problem and mental problems, as well as slowing of growth(height and weight)in children.

Other common side effects includes, decreased appetite, weight loss, nausea, stomach pain, dry mouth, vomiting, trouble sleeping, anxiety, depressions, nervousness, restless, mood swing, agitation, irritability, dizziness, shaking, blurred, increased blood pressure, fast heart beat, increased sweating, constipation, and fever. Although medication helps somehow but it is not a permanent fix it is a temporary one. At the end ADHD is not a fake disorder developed by the drug companies to make money selling drugs. It is the most over-diagnosed disorder.

Having a child with ADHD can be very challenging, as well as an adult too. It is a curse, but also blessing. ADHD has a wide variety of symptoms that can hinder the progress of a relationships or career goals but with the proper help from everyone, exercise, and minimum medications, study showed that kids will overcome this disorder and thrive on. Imagine. You are attempting to get an assignment accomplished for school. You already know you should get it done, and you know you can achieve it, But you keep having these thoughts going through your head and continues to wander off .

Soon you realize that you have lost several hours that could have been used to finish the assignment. You try to get back into focus yet your mind wanders again, and again until soon you have to rush to get it done, and risk doing poorly, if you get it done at all. Unfortunately, for many people this is what it is like to have ADHD. It is a lifelong, genetic, complicated, contradictory, inconsistent, and frustrating medical condition that affects certain types of brain functioning like how properly someone can sit still, focus, and concentrate. It is a socially and educationally debilitating.

Both children and adults need medical help to deal with its symptoms. ADHD is a diagnosis applied to children and adults who consistently display certain characteristic behaviors over a period of time. these behaviors vary from person to another. The most common behaviors fall into three categories: •Inattention person find it agonizing to do homework. Often, forgot to plan ahead by writing down the assignment or bringing home the right books. And when trying to work, every few minutes their mind keep drifting to something else. •Hyperactivity person always seem to be in motion. He can’t sit still and talk incessantly.

Hyperactive teens and adults may feel intensely restless. They may be fidgety or try to do several things at once . •Impulsivity. person don’t think before they act. As a result they may blurt out inappropriate comments. Or they may run into the street without looking. it is hard for them to wait for things they want or to take their turn in games. They may grab a toy from another child or hit when they’re upset. Even though the symptoms are very clear but it could be very hard to diagnose properly because it is very difficult to judge what the normal level of these problem are.

It all depend on a psychological test which is a questionnaires for the parent and the teacher of a child . Last year the Food and Drug Administration approved a brain wave device that help detect ADHD . The device is an EEG-based tool and a computer program that analyzes brain activity to help confirm a diagnosis of ADHD. But according to some researchers it is really not will under stood and there is new data that showed many factor that interfered with an accurate diagnosis. Scientists searching effortlessly to identify better ways to treat, and hopefully one day, prevent ADHD.

They are finding more and more evidence that ADHD does not stem from home environment, such as too much TV, food allergies, excess sugar, poor home life, or poor schools, but from biological causes. Recently new tools and techniques for studying the brain have been developed, scientists were able to link between a person’s ability to pay continued attention and the level of activity in the brain. It appears from this research that a lower level of activity in some parts of the brain may cause inattention. Some other research using the (RFMRI)showed ADHD patients may have more widespread brain abnormalities than previously shown’.

Researchers say RFMRI may be a useful tool in providing accurate and early diagnosis of ADHD ADHD is treated with a mix of medications and behavioral therapy. It can be managed through behavioral or medical interventions or a combination of the two. It has also been shown to have long-term adverse effects on academic performance, professional achievement, and social-emotional advancement. . One of the most common and used medication is (methylphenidate HCI) . It comes in long acting and short acting pills, liquid, and patches . Although it help people with ADHD to focus, It has much more serious side effects .

it has heart related problem and mental problems, as well as slowing of growth(height and weight)in children. Other common side effects includes, decreased appetite, weight loss, nausea, stomach pain, dry mouth, vomiting, trouble sleeping, anxiety, depressions, nervousness, restless, mood swing, agitation, irritability, dizziness, shaking, blurred, increased blood pressure, fast heart beat, increased sweating, constipation, and fever. Although medication helps somehow but it is not a permanent fix it is a temporary one. At the end ADHD is not a fake disorder developed by the drug companies to make money selling drugs.

It is the most over-diagnosed disorder. Having a child with ADHD can be very challenging, as well as an adult too. It is a curse, but also blessing. ADHD has a wide variety of symptoms that can hinder the progress of a relationships or career goals but with the proper help from everyone, exercise, and minimum medications, study showed that kids will overcome this disorder and thrive on. . Imagine. You are attempting to get an assignment accomplished for school. You already know you should get it done, and you know you can achieve it, But you keep having these thoughts going through your head and continues to wander off .

Soon you realize that you have lost several hours that could have been used to finish the assignment. You try to get back into focus yet your mind wanders again, and again until soon you have to rush to get it done, and risk doing poorly, if you get it done at all. Unfortunately, for many people this is what it is like to have ADHD. It is a lifelong, genetic, complicated, contradictory, inconsistent, and frustrating medical condition that affects certain types of brain functioning like how properly someone can sit still, focus, and concentrate. It is a socially and educationally debilitating.

Both children and adults need medical help to deal with its symptoms. ADHD is a diagnosis applied to children and adults who consistently display certain characteristic behaviors over a period of time. these behaviors vary from person to another. The most common behaviors fall into three categories: •Inattention person find it agonizing to do homework. Often, forgot to plan ahead by writing down the assignment or bringing home the right books. And when trying to work, every few minutes their mind keep drifting to something else. •Hyperactivity person always seem to be in motion. He can’t sit still and talk incessantly.

Hyperactive teens and adults may feel intensely restless. They may be fidgety or try to do several things at once . •Impulsivity. person don’t think before they act. As a result they may blurt out inappropriate comments. Or they may run into the street without looking. it is hard for them to wait for things they want or to take their turn in games. They may grab a toy from another child or hit when they’re upset. Even though the symptoms are very clear but it could be very hard to diagnose properly because it is very difficult to judge what the normal level of these problem are.

It all depend on a psychological test which is a questionnaires for the parent and the teacher of a child . Last year the Food and Drug Administration approved a brain wave device that help detect ADHD . The device is an EEG-based tool and a computer program that analyzes brain activity to help confirm a diagnosis of ADHD. But according to some researchers it is really not will under stood and there is new data that showed many factor that interfered with an accurate diagnosis. Scientists searching effortlessly to identify better ways to treat, and hopefully one day, prevent ADHD.

They are finding more and more evidence that ADHD does not stem from home environment, such as too much TV, food allergies, excess sugar, poor home life, or poor schools, but from biological causes. Recently new tools and techniques for studying the brain have been developed, scientists were able to link between a person’s ability to pay continued attention and the level of activity in the brain. It appears from this research that a lower level of activity in some parts of the brain may cause inattention. Some other research using the (RFMRI)showed ADHD patients may have more widespread brain abnormalities than previously shown’.

Researchers say RFMRI may be a useful tool in providing accurate and early diagnosis of ADHD ADHD is treated with a mix of medications and behavioral therapy. It can be managed through behavioral or medical interventions or a combination of the two. It has also been shown to have long-term adverse effects on academic performance, professional achievement, and social-emotional advancement. . One of the most common and used medication is (methylphenidate HCI) . It comes in long acting and short acting pills, liquid, and patches . Although it help people with ADHD to focus, It has much more serious side effects .

it has heart related problem and mental problems, as well as slowing of growth(height and weight)in children. Other common side effects includes, decreased appetite, weight loss, nausea, stomach pain, dry mouth, vomiting, trouble sleeping, anxiety, depressions, nervousness, restless, mood swing, agitation, irritability, dizziness, shaking, blurred, increased blood pressure, fast heart beat, increased sweating, constipation, and fever. Although medication helps somehow but it is not a permanent fix it is a temporary one. At the end ADHD is not a fake disorder developed by the drug companies to make money selling drugs.

It is the most over-diagnosed disorder. Having a child with ADHD can be very challenging, as well as an adult too. It is a curse, but also blessing. ADHD has a wide variety of symptoms that can hinder the progress of a relationships or career goals but with the proper help from everyone, exercise, and minimum medications, study showed that kids will overcome this disorder and thrive on. . Imagine. You are attempting to get an assignment accomplished for school. You already know you should get it done, and you know you can achieve it, But you keep having these thoughts going through your head and continues to wander off .

Soon you realize that you have lost several hours that could have been used to finish the assignment. You try to get back into focus yet your mind wanders again, and again until soon you have to rush to get it done, and risk doing poorly, if you get it done at all. Unfortunately, for many people this is what it is like to have ADHD. It is a lifelong, genetic, complicated, contradictory, inconsistent, and frustrating medical condition that affects certain types of brain functioning like how properly someone can sit still, focus, and concentrate. It is a socially and educationally debilitating.

Both children and adults need medical help to deal with its symptoms. ADHD is a diagnosis applied to children and adults who consistently display certain characteristic behaviors over a period of time. these behaviors vary from person to another. The most common behaviors fall into three categories: •Inattention person find it agonizing to do homework. Often, forgot to plan ahead by writing down the assignment or bringing home the right books. And when trying to work, every few minutes their mind keep drifting to something else. •Hyperactivity person always seem to be in motion. He can’t sit still and talk incessantly.

Hyperactive teens and adults may feel intensely restless. They may be fidgety or try to do several things at once . •Impulsivity. person don’t think before they act. As a result they may blurt out inappropriate comments. Or they may run into the street without looking. it is hard for them to wait for things they want or to take their turn in games. They may grab a toy from another child or hit when they’re upset. Even though the symptoms are very clear but it could be very hard to diagnose properly because it is very difficult to judge what the normal level of these problem are.

It all depend on a psychological test which is a questionnaires for the parent and the teacher of a child . Last year the Food and Drug Administration approved a brain wave device that help detect ADHD . The device is an EEG-based tool and a computer program that analyzes brain activity to help confirm a diagnosis of ADHD. But according to some researchers it is really not will under stood and there is new data that showed many factor that interfered with an accurate diagnosis. Scientists searching effortlessly to identify better ways to treat, and hopefully one day, prevent ADHD.

They are finding more and more evidence that ADHD does not stem from home environment, such as too much TV, food allergies, excess sugar, poor home life, or poor schools, but from biological causes. Recently new tools and techniques for studying the brain have been developed, scientists were able to link between a person’s ability to pay continued attention and the level of activity in the brain. It appears from this research that a lower level of activity in some parts of the brain may cause inattention.

Some other research using the (RFMRI)showed ADHD patients may have more widespread brain abnormalities than previously shown’ Researchers say RFMRI may be a useful tool in providing accurate and early diagnosis of ADHD ADHD is treated with a mix of medications and behavioral therapy. It can be managed through behavioral or medical interventions or a combination of the two. It has also been shown to have long-term adverse effects on academic performance, professional achievement, and social-emotional advancement. . One of the most common and used medication is (methylphenidate HCI) .

It comes in long acting and short acting pills, liquid, and patches . Although it help people with ADHD to focus, It has much more serious side effects . it has heart related problem and mental problems, as well as slowing of growth(height and weight)in children. Other common side effects includes, decreased appetite, weight loss, nausea, stomach pain, dry mouth, vomiting, trouble sleeping, anxiety, depressions, nervousness, restless, mood swing, agitation, irritability, dizziness, shaking, blurred, increased blood pressure, fast heart beat, increased sweating, constipation, and fever.

Although medication helps somehow but it is not a permanent fix it is a temporary one. At the end ADHD is not a fake disorder developed by the drug companies to make money selling drugs. It is the most over-diagnosed disorder. Having a child with ADHD can be very challenging, as well as an adult too. It is a curse, but also blessing. ADHD has a wide variety of symptoms that can hinder the progress of a relationships or career goals but with the proper help from everyone, exercise, and minimum medications, study showed that kids will overcome this disorder and thrive on. .

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