Assessinfg purity of nacl from rock salt

The aim of this experiment was to obtain a pure product from a solution through the processes o extraction, filtering and evaporation. Introduction Extraction is used when trying to separate or purify a product. For an extraction to be successful the substance used to make the solvent should readily dissolve. The substance used in this practical was rock salt. The liquid used should not react with the substance that needs extracting. In laboratories extracting is used by chemists to purify samples and also analyse unknown samples.

However, in the pharmaceutical industry, pharmacists rely on this technique to collect information about chemical properties of a compound that they are researching. They then use this information to pass on to professionals who are working in developing compounds and investigating the effects of these compounds on the human body. Additionally, environmental remediation projects (services which remove environmental problems such as removing any contaminants found in ground water or sterilising an area where there has been an oil spill) use an extractor to separate any contaminants.

In our experiment we used the technique of extraction to test the purity of the substance. Purity is when a substance is free from contamination. It is important for a substance to be pure so that chemists can study its properties. The purity of a substance is vital in the production of food and drugs; the government has set daily guidelines of how much of a substance can be consumed. Any impurities which are found in a drug or medicine can reduce the effectiveness.

There are many ways of determining whether a product is pure or not, for example: filtration, crystallization, infrared spectroscopy, mass spectrometry, nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, chromatography, electrophoresis, immunochemical reactions, ultracentrifugation and titration. The method used in this experiment was titration. Decreasing the purity in a substance is very common because contamination can be hard to avoid.

However things that can reduce the purity in my experiment could be because: the equipment used to handle the substance may not have been rinsed before use, the filter paper or the funnel used had other chemicals on it which we did not know about, the table or the bench had spilled chemicals which could lead to contamination. http://www. wisegeek. com/what-is-solvent-extraction. htm http://www. wisegeek. com/what-is-environmental-remediation. htm Method: Apparatus and Materials used: * * Weighing boat * Spatula * Evaporating Dish * Beaker * Funnel * Filter paper.

* Volumetric flask * Rock salt * Pestle & Mortar * Weighing Scales * Stirring rod * Conical flask * Hydrochloric acid * Pipette * Distilled water * Syringe * Methyl orange indicator Extraction 1. Take some rock salt and put it in to a mortar. 2. Using a pestle crush the rock salt until it is powder. 3. Then weigh the beaker and add 1g of the powder into the beaker. 4. Add 50cm3 of distilled water into the beaker. And stir thoroughly using a glass rod. 5. Using a funnel and filter paper filter the solution in the mixture into a prewighed evaporating dish.

6. Wait to for a week for the mixture to evaporate. 7. Now weigh the evaporating dish and sodium chloride crystals. Making it into a standard solution 1. Scrape out the sodium chloride crystals from the evaporating dish and put them in a weighing boat and weight them. 2. Transfer the crystals in to a beaker. 3. Add 50cm3 of distilled water making sure that the solute has completely dissolved using a stirring rod. 4. Put a funnel on top of a volumetric flask and pour the liquid in the beaker down the rod and into the flask. 5.

Rinse the beaker with more distilled water and pour it into the volumetric flack and do the same for the stirring rod. 6. Add distilled water into the volumetric flask until the water is level with the marking on the neck of the flask. 7. Using a dropper add the distilled water until the level of the meniscus lines up with the marking in the flask. 8. Place a stopper on to the flask and thoroughly invert the flask four times. Titration 1. Rinse out the pipette with the distilled water and then with sodium chloride solution.

2. Pipette out 25.0 cm3 sodium chloride into a conical flask. 3. Add four drops of the methyl indicator to the sodium chloride. It should be yellow. 4. Rinse the syringe with distilled water and then with hydrochloric acid. 5. Fill the syringe with hydrochloric acid and record the initial syringe reading. 6. Add acid into the sodium chloride till the colour changes from yellow to a pale orange 7. Repeat the titration more accurately. 8. Repeat again until you obtain two accurate concordant titres (within 0. 1 cm3). 9. Calculate an average titre. 10.

Indicate which readings you used to obtain the average. Results Extraction Mass of beaker + rock salt= 47. 43g Mass of empty beaker= 46. 25kg Mass of rock salt used= 1. 18g Mass of empty evaporating dish= 50. 96g Mass of evaporating dish + sodium chloride= 51. 92g Mass of Sodium chloride obtained= 0. 96g % Salt in rock salt= 81% Titration | 1st try| 2nd try| Endpoint| 2| 3| Initial point| 20| 20| Discussion Did you achieve your aims? The aim was to extract NaCl from Rock Salt so we can test the purity of it. We obtained 0. 96g of sodium chloride from the extraction from 1.

18g of Rock Salt. Comment on your percentage yield The percentage of sodium chloride found was 81% percent. We may have lost percentage yield whilst filtering out the rock salt solution, not all of the solution in the beaker may have been filtered. How could you increase the yield? Making sure the rock salt solution is properly filtered. Making sure that the rock salt is crushed up properly so it is easier to dissolve to make it into a solution therefore making it easier to filter. Why you think your product was pure or impure.

I think a reason that our product was not 100% pure is because the weighing boats used to weigh the sodium chloride crystals might have already a different substance in it and it was not rinsed out properly. Similarly with the other equipment, such as the spatula, pipette, beaker, syringe etc. all of these equipment may not have been rinsed out with distilled water and other chemicals from previous use may have contaminated the sodium chloride. Were you accurate in extracting the crystals? The fineness of the rock salt powder contributes to a successful extraction.

Our powder was finely crushed into powder which made it easier for me and my lab partner to make a standard solution and extract the sodium chloride through filtration and evaporation. What problems did you experience? The hardest part of this experiment was whilst titrating. Over titration could lead to errors in the results and it was difficult to add small drops towards the end of the titration; because often the last drop caused the solution to turn from yellow to dark orange rather than pale orange. We did two trials of titrations. Also problems may have also occurred when drawing out 25.

0 cm3 of sodium chloride into the conical flask as sometimes it was difficult to read the meniscus level as it was hard to keep the liquid still. We could have improved this method by keeping very steady and reading from eye level to avoid parallax errors. Which steps did you lose the most products? The step which we lost the most products in was when we were scraping out the sodium chloride crystals into a weighing boat to weigh because some of it might have remained in the evaporating dish and the same with when transferring it in to a beaker to make a standard solution from the weighing boat.

And also right at the end of making the standard solution when we had to invert the volumetric flask, product may have leaked out if the stopper was not on properly. In order to reduce the loss of solution the stopper was held on to firmly whilst inverting. Additionally to reduce any impurities in future I would rinse my equipment with distilled water before hand.

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