Are gender differences fact or fiction?

There are several ways in which to answer this question, but I will begin the essay by defining the question. Gender differences that are fact are defined as being proven by science; these could be research and experiments that have been performed, to get results about sexes. Differences that are fiction are basically ideas that are made up in our minds, you could say that they are constructed and these could be for several reasons, e. g. media and social groups.

The majority of people believe gender differences to be fiction as they may be influenced by social background. There are several gender differences within masculinity and femininity within family and friends. We should note that these differences are increasing with age as children’s intellectual biases are being exaggerated and intensified by gendered cultures within a social community. Parents treat their children the way they would expect a boy or girl to be, so the children adopt and learn this concept.

Traditional education creates an image on family’s gender roles. Children would see their parents in ‘separated worlds’, for example a mother could be seen as doing the laundry or cooking and taking care of the child, and their farther as working or fixing things. Changing traditional gender roles seems to be difficult, not because woman or men do not have the necessary skills for one’s task but because everyone carries with them their own symbol of a ‘world’, As Plato would describe, to be their ideal realm in their minds.

Society’s evolution, especially on woman redefines gender role, promoting a woman more active and independent, whereas a man would be more involved in household tasks. Furthermore, media also has a massive impact on our ideas towards gender difference; boys are very orientated to game culture as psychologists have researched. Boys are interested in gaming, competition and a lot of action, which through this interest can move onto violence as the media might display. However on the other hand girls are more involved in relationship and communications.

Part of female culture in the media is about appearance, which takes us into sexuality and the concern of sexualisation of girls’ culture. If we are any less than what the media images suggest, then we are abnormal. It is suggested to woman that everything in their lives should revolve around attracting men, having smaller waistline, larger breasts and a sense of sexuality towards men. Men are shown as superior, intelligent and egotistical, whereas women are seen to be ‘dumb’ i. e. ‘blonde.

All exaggerations aside, the media is supposed to reflect the world we live in. In addition, the media can influence the face we decide to take on, which could be a bad thing based on the message communicated. However, if you look at the youth in the modern day, the majority of their time spent, involves some form of media, so it makes sense that the media influence not only how we act but how we talk in our everyday life. These ideas are fiction as they are made up by media, which we take on as our own belief system.

Gender refers to the differences and disparity between males and females. Gender roles, meanwhile, refers to the social differences between males and females. Gender differences may either be innate or inherent or it can also be caused by a multitude …

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Parents, peers and the media are all social factors that affect children’s awareness of gender roles. The influence of parents and peers can be explained in terms of social learning theory. Parents and peers are role models for children, they …

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