Approach and understanding to mental disorders

Acceptance and commitment therapy indicates that the core of many mental problems is related to the following considerations. To begin with, as the relational theory indicates, the evaluation of the experience that an individual has ever encountered or anticipates to get sparks major reactions in the way they behave. The perceived cognitive defusion points out that this experience should always be portrayed as it is and not what is perceived to be.

It therefore becomes possible to evaluate this experience as a major consideration for deriving the best action that one takes to address the present problem. At this point, pro-acceptance and commitment analysts differ sharply in that some of them especially in the west believe that there is a general health normality which points out that human beings are psychologically healthy while another school holds that human minds are generally destructive.

According to Chapman (310-323), the core perception is that psychological suffering is generally caused by psychological rigidity assimilated from cognitive enlargement or experimental avoidance by the patient. Chapman (330-339) continues to say that this rigidity is manifested in behavioral steps that negate the societal norm expectations. Similar to the acceptance and commitment approach, meta-cognitive therapy seeks to infer the understanding of mental health problems occurrence and therefore generate the best methods of addressing them effectively.

It is worth noting that the term metacognition as applied in this approach indicates the general control that the brain has on the behavior of an individual. Arguably, bulk of the meta-cognition emphasis that control human general thinking as well as their experience operates in a complexity mode in the background of the particular behaviors. The approach therefore seeks to establish clear comprehension of these facets as a major consideration to differentiate it from the prior behavioral theory as well as other cognitive approaches.

To add to that, meta-cognitive approach is similar to the previous approach in that it postulates that varying disorders in psychology like depression and anxiety make thinking to be much difficult to regulate or even bias in particular ways. At this point, the theory indicates that the affected patients lose their thoughts with their attention shifting to specific brooding patterns as well threatening information. It is from this notion that further similarity with evidence and commitment approach is explicit where cognitive attentional syndrome is denoted inform of constant worry, focus on threat, and rumination.

According to Chapman (325-331), mental disorders have over the years assimilated a modernistic approach where their application seeks to fit within the brackets of the people cultures and the general orientations of the problem. Indeed, the ability of the patients …

Treatment of the different mental disorders demands that a careful approach is taken to enhance faster and more effective recovery takes root. In this respect, this method provides a better platform for treatment in that it brings together the patient …

Acceptance and commitment cognitive approach has over the years received strong criticism from both the scholars and the clinicians on its approach to addressing mental disorders in the patients. According to Bohus et al (875-887), acceptance and commitment cognitive approach …

According to Beitel et al (739-750), meta-cognitive approach proposes that mental disorders originate from a chain of uncontrollable worries and highly distressing that make it hard for the patient to effectively control the different resilient behaviors. It is worth noting …

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