Anorexia Nervosa

We are all wondering what is Anorexia? Is it a disease that can get cured? Does it have any side effects? These are all questions that lately people are asking, so this science essay is about Anorexia Nervosa I will try to give you as much information as I can. Anorexia is a mind control disease that cannot be cured by medication but by therapy. Anorexia is an eating disorder where people starve themselves in order to get thin or skinny even though they’re too skinny.

The English doctor Richard Martin discovered anorexia in 1964 century. Anorexic people look at themselves in the mirror and they see themselves way too fat. They mostly want the fat in their stomach, arms, and legs to go away! Models are usually the people who are mostly obsessed with their body but its not always themselves who want to get thin sometimes people become anorexic because their manager or their agent tells them so and of course they go ahead and do they starve themselves to satisfy others.

What are the risks of being anorexic? That question is very important because you have to know the precautions and side effects of this disease. If you become anorexic as in stage 1 then you can save yourself and get help from your family or therapist because after you pass stage 1 its going to become really hard to get help and get cured and sometimes if your too obsessed with anorexia you can even die maybe because your weak or maybe because you starving! What causes anorexia? That’s a very important question too.

Anorexia can be caused by depression sometimes if your depressed you can either eat like crazy, which leads to obesity, or you can starve to death, which leads to Anorexia. Peer pressure that causes Anorexia too, finally something that mostly every adult does which is Smoking. That’s the thing that people do to become anorexic and last but certainly not least vomiting you can keep on vomiting more than 8 times a week I am sure that you will become anorexic but that’s only if you force yourself to vomit not if your sick than that doesn’t count.

* Before your anorexic of course there will be symptoms the symptoms are: feeling sudden weight loss, strange eating habits’, (Refusal to sustain a minimally normal body weight * Intense fear of gaining weight, despite being underweight Distorted view of one’s body or weight, or denial of the dangers of one’s low weigh). These are only a few symptoms of course there’s more. How can you prevent anorexia? Immediately as soon as you realize that you’re loosing weight get help before your really anorexic that will be hard because your not going to want to get help.

Anorexics usually never have any obvious problems that you can point out by just looking at them, especially in the beginning of them starting the anorexia nervosa. Anorexic women are very proud of the weight that they have lost and …

We eat food for our survival while for some; food is a form of leisure, still for some, food becomes a destructive force overpowering their thoughts, feelings and actions leading to serious eating disorders. People may find themselves experiencing disturbances …

Much research has been completed on this disorder, and results indicate a strong familial undercurrent. Many individuals with Anorexia come from over controlling families where nurturance is lacking. Studies suggest that sexual abuse survivors are more prone to the disorder, …

Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder and a mental health condition. There are several explanations of anorexia, including biological explanations and psychological explanations. Patients feel an intense drive for thinness, an intense fear of gaining weight or becoming fat and …

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