Anorexia and Exercise

Abstract There are many ways someone can lose weight. Many people choose a healthy method of weight loss, such as exercising and a good, nutritious diet. Other people lose weight by developing an eating disorder. Eating disorders are dangerous and can result in serious mental and physical health problems. Recovery from eating disorders is a battle that can last a lifetime. Resulting to losing weight by starving the body is an unsafe method. However, exercise is an effective method of weight loss. With hard work, dedication, and patience, exercise can help someone lose weight.

Exercising regularly result in mental and physical benefits. According to Hippocrates (n. d), “If we could give every individual the right amount of nourishment and exercise, not too little and not too much; we would have found the safest way to health. ” (Retrieved from http://www. builtlean. com/2013/01/02/exercise-motivation-quotes-2/ ). With all the different methods of weight loss, it is important to choose a method that is a safe and healthy method. ANOREXIA AND EXERCISE 3 Anorexia and Exercise: Two Methods of Weight Loss There are many methods for losing weight.

People lose weight by dieting, joining a gym, joining a kickboxing class, etc. People also try to lose weight in harmful ways by becoming bulimic or anorexic. Many people face serious consequences from the choice of trying to lose weight by starving themselves. When considering methods for losing weight, exercise should be considered over anorexia because it is a healthier and safer method. Harriet Brown(n. d. ) said, “Between 10 and 20 percent of people with anorexia die from heart attacks, other complications, and suicide; the disease has the highest mortality rate of any mental illness.

Or Kitty could have lost her life in a different way, lost it to the roller coaster ride of relapse and recovery, inpatient and outpatient that eats up on average, five to seven years. Or a lifetime: only half of all anorexics recover in the end. The other half endures lives of dysfunction and despair. Friends and families give up on them. Doctors dread treating them. They are left to stand in the bakery with the voice ringing in their ears, alone in every way that matters. ”(Retrieved from http://www.

Why Do People Become Anorexic? Anorexia is a method of weight loss that is done by refusing to eat. It has been said that people who are anorexic do not eat and exercise excessively. Anorexia is mostly common in women and young girls. People who have low self-esteem and confidence try to lose weight from an eating disorder. According to Eating Disorders Foundation of Victoria (2011), “Body image refers to how a person perceives, thinks and feels about their physical appearance.

While a person’s appearance compasses only a small part of who they are and what they contribute to the world, body image too commonly represents a person’s greater sense of self-worth, whereby poor body image contributes directly to low self-esteem” (Retrieved from http://www. eatingdisorders. org. au/eating-disorders/risk-factors/body-image). People with a distorted body image tend to lose weight by becoming anorexic. People who are anorexic have an intense fear of gaining weight. People can have a problem with his or her body image because of what society expects a person to look like.

In a world where skinny models and actresses are idolized, people want to look like them. These images of how a teen and women are supposed look can put pressure on someone to lose weight. This pressure to lose weight can lead to several mental disorders. ANOREXIA AND EXERCISE4 Mental Disorders Caused by Anorexia Anorexia can lead to several mental disorders.

According to DeNoon (2011), “Anorexia is the most lethal psychiatric disorder, carrying a six fold increased risk of death – four times the death risk from major depression” (Retrieved from http://www.webmd. com/mental-health/anorexia-nervosa/news/20110711/deadliest-psychiatric-disorder-anorexia). People with anorexia suffer from obsessive compulsive disorder, depression, anxiety, personality and substance abuse disorders, mood swings, and are at risk for suicide. This can result in years of therapy to cope with these mental disorders. Not only does anorexia affect mental health, it affects physical health as well. Physical Disorders Caused by Anorexia.

The physical disorders from anorexia are damage of the brain and heart, monthly menstrual period stops, pulse and blood pressure drops, thyroid function slows down, nails and hair become brittle, excessive thirst, mild anemia, swollen joints, reduced muscle mass, loss of calcium from bones, heart failure, and the brain can shrink. These are all serious risks of trying to lose weight by becoming anorexic. Eating disorders lead to dangerous consequences of the body and mind. This is a method of weight loss that should be prevented. To prevent becoming anorexic, work on self- confidence and maintain a healthy body image.

Maintaining a Healthy Body Image There are many ways to help maintain a healthy body image without turning to eating disorders and causing harm to the body. Having self-confidence is one of the main elements of maintaining a healthy body image. If there is a time when someone feels insecure, it is important to be reminded of the good feature him or her have. Having confidence will help prevent doing any kind of harm to the body. Exercise is another important element of maintaining a healthy body image. Exercise can boost self- confidence and self- esteem. Exercise is a healthier option of losing weight.

ANOREXIA AND EXERCISE5 The Benefits of Exercise Exercise can help improve your health and wellness in many ways. It can help improve your physical health. According to Donatelle (2011), “Exercise is good for the heart and lungs. It can reduce the risk for heart related diseases, and it can improve blood flow and make performing everyday tasks easier” (Health: The Basics, pg. 329). Exercise can also help reduce the risk of high cholesterol, high blood pressure, stroke, cancer, and dying from heart disease. Exercise can also improve mental health. Exercise can improve confidence, independence, mood, and self-worth.

It can also help decrease anger, anxiety, confusion, depression, and stress. Exercise is a great method of weight loss. It can help keep those pounds off and will improve your mental and physical health. Conclusion After reading this, is losing weight the easy way worth the trouble it causes? It feels better to work hard at something that you want instead of cutting corners to get what you want. Accomplishing a goal with dedication and hard work is a reward in itself. Earl Nightingale (2013) said, “Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway.

” Be patient, the effects of exercise will take some time, but it is worth the wait. The effects of exercise do the complete opposite of what eating disorders can do to someone. Making the decision to lose weight should be a healthy choice, not a choice that will cause the body more harm. Concerning methods of weight loss choose a healthy and effective method, such as exercise.

ANOREXIA AND EXERCISE6 References Hippocrates, (n. d. ). Built Lean. Retrieved from http://www. builtlean. com/2013/01/02/exercise-motivation-quotes-2/. Brown, Harriet (n. d. ). Goodreads. Retrieved from http://www.goodreads. com/quotes/tag/anorexia. Eating Disorders Foundation of Victoria, (2011). Retrieved from http://www. eatingdisorders. org. au/eating-disorders/risk-factors/body-image. DeNoon, Daniel J. (July 12, 2011) WebMD.

Retrieved from http://www. webmd. com/mental-health/anorexia-nervosa/news/20110711/deadliest-psychiatric-disorder-anorexia. Donatelle, R. J. (2011). Health: The Basics (Green Edition) Boston, MA: Benjamin Cummings. Nightingale, Earl (2013). Motivational Well Being. Retrieved from http://www. motivationalwellbeing. com/12-motivational-fitness-quotes-to-keep-you-going. html.

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