Anesthesiology in The United States

As the United States population increases in numbers, and as extensive medical research advances in healthcare people are live longer and healthier. As a response to the rising life expectancy demand medical careers, such as Anesthesiology, will grow to cope with the increase of surgery or medical procedure. Essentially, an anesthesiologist is a medical physician that aids the patient before, during, and after surgery or medical procedure requiring anesthesia, medications used to ease pain.

The anesthesiologist contacts the patient before surgery to discuss in brief about the procedure and to assess their medical history. Throughout the surgery, the anesthesiologist vigilantly supervises the patient’s heart rate, blood pressure, breathing, and kidney function to ensure ease of comfort by regulating anesthesia. Subsequent to the surgery, the anesthesiologist continues to observe their patient vital signs for any abnormalities. However, the practice of Anesthesiology is not just bounded on hospital grounds.

In fact it has flourished dental offices, labor and delivery units, teaching, and research. To embark in any medical career, high school students must heavily focus on science and math classes to prepare for college. Following high school is enrollment to a four year undergraduate college and advised to major in any math or science. Some colleges have a premed course available for undergrad students to practice for Medical school. During this period students must study for the upcoming MCAT to enroll in medical school.

After attaining a Bachelors degree another four years of extensive studying in Medical School is required. For the first two years in Medical School students will learn the foundation of science such as biochemistry, microbiology, and neuroscience. All through these first two years, students also have their first contact with patients as they learn to conduct examinations and interviews. And then for the last two years they start hands on medical training. Medical students work as interns in hospital supervised by a doctor.

They work together with patients, performing preliminary diagnoses and then creating treatment plans and then presenting them to professional doctors. The education journey does not end after medical school another three years of residency must be completed. In the three years student train hand on training in anesthesiology under supervision. The American Board of Anesthesiology (ABA) manages the written and oral examination for this area of expertise before public practice. It should be noted that all students interested in Anesthesiology should be knowledgeable in physics, chemistry, biology, and mathematics.

Analogous to all general practitioners, anesthesiologists must be ambitious, energetic individuals prepared to work lengthy hours under intense anxiety. In addition, careers in the medical field are tremendously pricey and involve enormous financial dedication. It is estimated that on average about 80 percent of all medical students acquire loan to compensate for their education expenses. Prospective students that want to pursue a career in medicine should consider volunteer work at a local hospital or health clinic.

This provides student an advantage to gain direct experience in working with patients, doctors, and nurses before they commit to a long term education path. Therefore students who are passionate and are thinking beyond the salary can become Anesthesiology given the amount of years spent in school. Most people are attracted to the hefty pay check anesthesiologist receive which is on average $290,000 annually. However along with generous pay check is a reflection responsibility and work load. The prospective physician should anticipate stress and may order lengthy hours.

Anesthesiologists are frequently “on call” during which time they must be ready to show up for emergency procedures at all hours of the day and night. In conclusion students should start early on their education if they are certain in pursuing in Anesthesiology. Since they have to maintain the patient alive and have a pain free experience during surgery, anesthesiologist have to undergo widespread of courses. However this career does not just require a smart student with good grades and test scores but a student capable of relieving stress both during school and after graduating.

Proper strategy and mastering time management to take care of their own health and responsibility is an ideal anesthesiologist. Work cited Career As An Anesthesiologist. n. p. : Institute for Career Research, 2005. eBook Collection (EBSCOhost). Web. 9 Nov. 2012. De Robertis, McAdoo , Pagni, Knape, J T A “Core curriculum in emergency medicine integrated in the specialty of anaesthesiology” European Journal of Anaesthesiology. , Dec 2007. “Who Is An Anesthesiologist? ” Who Is an Anesthesiologist? N. p. , n. d. Web. 09 Nov. 2012.

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