Anesthesiology Essay

Anesthesiologist are medical doctors who give drugs and gases (anesthetics) to patients to keep them pain-free during surgery. Job description Without Anesthesiologists, surgery would be impossible in most cases. Anesthesiologist are doctors who administer the drugs or gases that prevent patients from feeling any pain or sensation during surgery. But that’s not all these specialists do. They are responsible for the well-being of the patient before, during, and after surgery. Educational requirements.

* Complete at least 3 years of a bachelor’s degree, including several required science courses. * Most applicants have at least a 4-year bachelor’s degree, some even have a master’s degree. * Applicants must have an excellent academic record, high scores on the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT), and letter of recommendation from teachers and advisors. * Medical schools also consider things like character, leadership qualities, and extracurricular activities when making admissions decisions. * Interview with members of the admissions committee.

* Medical school takes 4 years to complete, and leads to a Doctor of Medicine (MD) degree. * Those who want to be anesthesiologists must then undertake a 3 to 4-year residency program in anesthesia. Residencies are periods of practical, on-the-job training, which takes place in hospitals or other medical settings. * Anesthesiologists who want to acquire further training in a subspecialty can participate in fellowship programs, which usually last about a year. * All doctors must successfully complete state licensing exams.

* Anesthesiologists may also choose to become certified by the American Board of Anesthesiology (ABA). Average Salary Compensation * Entry Wage – $59. 64 (Hourly) and $124,050 (Annual) * Median Wage – $80. 00+ (Hourly) and $166,400+ (Annual) * Experienced Wage – $80. 00+ (Hourly) and $166,400+ (Annual) Working Conditions Anesthesiologists work in hospitals, clinics, and pain treatment centers. They may spend part of their day in the office doing consultations, part of it seeing patients in the hospital, and part of it in the operating room.

Sometimes, if they are anesthetizing patients who are having complex surgeries, they may have to spend as many as 8 hours in an operating room. During surgery, anesthesiologists work as part of a team that includes nurses and surgeons. Anesthesiologists who work in hospitals may have to work long hours, usually 60 to 65 hours a week. Weekend work is quite common, especially for those who are on-call. Anesthesiologists who work only in pain treatment centers may not have to work on weekends and they are not usually on-call. Job Benefits

There are many advantages to choosing a career in anesthesiology. Anesthesiology means that the person in question is highly skilled and in demand. Although the training is long and involved, and requires a lot of specialized knowledge and skill, anesthesiology is a profession appealing to those who like to be involved in something a little bit different. Nonetheless, it is a very important aspect of the medical profession. Anesthesiology concerns itself with acute care. This means that an anesthesiologist can diagnose something as simple as high blood pressure and treat it almost instantly.

The conditions during an operation may change in the blink of an eye, requiring the anesthesiologist to work fast, turning a nervous, hurt patient into a calm and co-operative one in the matter of a few minutes or less. Anesthesiology careers are very transportable. There is always a need for good anesthesiologists throughout the western world and beyond. This means that an anesthesiologist has the luxury of being able to travel abroad and find work almost readily. Anesthesiologists do not usually work continuously with their patients.

This means that at the end of the day, unless they are on call, an anesthesiologist can simply go home and return to work at their next surgical rotation. Anesthesiologists can work on a relatively part-time basis. This means that they have no real ties to patients beyond the anesthetic procedure, and therefore they have the advantage of being able to take longer vacations and work less hours. Job Disadvantages There are a few disadvantages to looking into anesthesiology careers as a professional option.

In terms of education, the training can be long. There are four years of specialist training in the United States to become an anesthesiologist. In the UK, those who seek to engage in anesthesiology careers must train for longer. There are other disadvantages. It is not a glamorous profession often the surgeon or doctor will be thanked and recognized before the anesthesiologist. It is a repetitive job; there is very little variation in the procedures performed for an anesthetic.

It requires skilled hands. There is not much long-term patient contact. Anesthesiology careers require a lot of dedication, but the rewards for this dedication are very much worthwhile – good pay, good prospects and good benefits. Colleges and Universities Available in Alabama for this Field * University of Alabama at Birmingham * University of South Alabama Approximate Cost of the Education * University of Alabama at Birmingham – $16,066 * University of South Alabama – $12,160.

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I’m interested in English and math it helps me with my career in becoming an anesthesiologist. My career goals after high school are to get into a good college where I can be a successful student. After college I want …

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