Ancient Greece

Compare Rome to U. S. (current). Rome had two consuls, elected by the assembly for one year. United States of America has A president, elected by the people for four years. Compare Athens to U. S. (current). Middle Ages Vocab Serf – An agricultural laborer bound under the feudal system to work on his lord’s estate. Chivalry – The medieval knightly system with its religious, moral, and social code. Tournament – A sporting event in which two knights jousted on horseback with blunted weapons, each trying to knock the other off, the winner receiving a prize.

Manor – The lord’s estate in feudal Europe. Troubadour – A medieval poeet and musician who traveled from place to place, entertaining people with songs of courtly love. Middle Ages – The era in European history that followed the fall of the Roman Empire. Lord – A person who controlled land and could therefore grant estates to vassals. Fief – An estate granted to a vassal by a lord under the feudal system in medieval Europe. Vassal – A person who recieved a grant of land from a lord in exchange for a pledge of loyalty and services. Knight – An armored warrior who fought on horseback.

Feudalism – Nobles were given land owned by the king in exchange for loyalty and military services. The bubonic plague, or Black Death, was a killer disease that swept repeatedly through many areas of the world. It wiped out two-thirds of the population in some areas of China, destroyed populations of Muslim towns in Southwest Asia, and then decimated one-third of the European population. In the Crusades, both Christians and Muslims believed that God was on their side. They both felt justified in using violence to win or to keep the Holy Land.

The following excerpts show their belief in the rightness of their deeds. The Crusades affected Europe both positively and negatively. Crusades affected Europe positively in a way that the Europeans where introduced to social developments like roads. The European catholic churches were also able to become rich since the priests were looked as leaders and elders for advice making them rich. However, the crusades affected Europe in a way that the lost slavery since it was the fastest way of labor and income. The longbow was cheap, easy to carry, and deadly.

It was powerful enough to penetrate armor, thus reducing the impact of mounting cavalry. Bowmen could fire so fast that the longbow has been called the “machine gun of the MIddle Ages. ” The longbow was as tall as a man, or taller. A sixfoot-tall man might have a bow up to six and a half feet tall. English archers usually carried a case with extra bowstrings and a sheaf of 24 arrows. The arrows were about 27 inches long and balanced in flight by feathers. The arrows were absolutely fatal when shot within 100 yards. The average archer could fire 12 to 15 arrows per minute and hit a man at 200 yards away.

1. Much of what Rome incorporated into their civilization, was adopted from the Ancient Greek civilization. 2. Grecian women were not considered valuable to society, and both Greece and Rome were centered around a social hierarchy. 3. The Greeks created three different types of architecture, and Rome incorporated the arch into their architectural styles and also were credited with the usage of concrete as a building material. 4. Mythology stories from both civilizations are similar, even though Greeks focused on their lives, were as Romans focused on the afterlife.

The Ancient Greece culture has made many contributions to western civilization. The ancient Greeks affected our fine arts, government, sports, medics, and philosophies. The Greek culture has had a very profound impact on the way people live nowadays. Socrates, Aristotle, and Plato are some of the most well known philosophers ever. Socrates was famous for questioning about life, and also about “why”” Socrates once said to a court “The unexamined life is not worth living. ” Socrates had been charged with Heresy, a crime that threatened the established religion, and sedition, that threatened the state.

Aristotle is well known for believing that if people study the origin of life they will understand it more. Many Philosophers today still study, and conclude ideas from many of Ancient Greek philosopher’s quotes. Medics in the western civilization have been impacted by many of ancient Greece’s contributions. Hippocrates, who created the Hippocratic oath, was a renounced mathematician, and doctor he is sometimes referred to as “the father of medicine. The Hippocratic oath states that Hippocrates will treat his patient to the best of his abilities that he will refuse to give deadly medicine to his patients.

Today some medical students and doctors still take the oath and learn about it. The Hippocratic oath is now starting to be used less often due to more revised oaths and law concerning the medical field. Greeks affected sports in western civilization. Myron’s famous sculpture, the Discus Thrower is an example of a kind of sport in ancient Greek times that resembled modern day javelin mixed with Frisbee. Greece was the first civilization to incorporate sports and make it a tradition. Greece was the hosts of the first Olympics, the sports that this involved were Running, Chariot racing, wrestling, boxing, javelin, and many more sports.

In modern day western civilization athletes compete in many of the same sports as the first Olympics had. The Olympics have now been around for many centuries. The fine arts of Greece affect western civilization. The discus thrower and most other Greek sculptures are emotionless, and usually capture the serenity of motion, and were always proportional, this form of art was known as classical art. Many sculptures and paintings of presidents, and high ranking military leaders are emotionless. The Greeks believed that the emotionless art showed a sense of power.

The Greeks had many plays. The Greeks had two main types of plays Tragedy and a comedy. A tragedy was a drama with themes about love, hate, war, and/or betrayal. A comedy was a way to get political messages to the public, or just to “poke fun” at a certain group, or class of people. Western civilization was shaped and largely based on Greece’s powerful politics, classical art, sports, philosophers, and medics. Greece has contributed so much to western civilization. The Ancient Rome culture had made many contributions to western civilization.

The ancient Romans affected our government, religion, architecture, Art/literature, warfare/military, sports, language, and numbers. The Roman culture has had a very profound impact on the way people live nowadays. I feel that Greece was more successful because they were a democracy ruled by majority, and Rome was a republic ruled by law. The economy of both Greece and Rome were based on agriculture. Greeks ideally lived on small self-sufficient wheat-producing farms, but bad agricultural practices made many households incapable of feeding themselves.

Big estates took over, producing wine and olive oil, which were also the chief exports of the Romans. The Romans, who imported their wheat and annexed provinces that could provide them with this all-important staple, also farmed, but they also engaged in trade. It is thought that the Greeks considered such occupations degrading. In the cities, manufacturing went on. Both Greece and Rome worked mines. While Greece also had slaves, the economy of Rome was dependent on slave labor from the expansion until the late Empire. Both cultures had coinage. Rome debased its currency to fund the Empire.

The Ancient Greece culture has made many contributions to western civilization. The ancient Greeks affected the western civilizations math, government, sports, and medicine. They affected the western civilization in a big way. We even use some of these contributions today. …

What are the physical features surrounding Greece & Rome? Mediterranean and Adriatic Compare Rome to U. S. (current). Rome had two consuls, elected by the assembly for one year. United States of America has A president, elected by the people …

The Ancient Greece culture has made many contributions to western civilization. The ancient Greeks affected our fine arts, government, sports, medics, and philosophies. The Greek culture has had a very profound impact on the way people live nowadays. One way …

Ancient Greeks made many in? uential contributions to western civilization such as in the areas of philosophy, art and architecture, and math and science. In every sector of life, from law to politics to sport, the terminology and innovations of …

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