Analyzing the risk

In the recent past employers have complained about the noise pollution that is coming from the construction site. This has inhibited effective communication and hearing ability. Noise can be defined as any unwanted sound in a form of energy which is emitted by a body which is vibrating and upon reaching the ear result into sensation hearing through the nerves. Sounds which are emitted by bodies which are vibrating are not audible.

In this case the cranes and other machineries in the construction sites are generating a lot of noise because of their vibration, their frequency of vibration is more than twenty thousands Heinz (20,000 HZ). Noise pollution is usually measured in decibels whenever noise is at forty five decibels no one can sleep, at eighty five decibels the hearing system become damaged and at one hundred and twenty decibels the ear is at pain. Noise pollution generally has three elements which are interrelated, the source, the receiver and the transmission path.

The transmission path is the atmosphere through which the noise has been propagated. The noise coming out is originating (the source) from the construction site. The intensity of noise pollution is measured using sound pressure levels and the common unit used for measurement is decibel. There are three types of construction noise, these are Do it your self (DIY), the construction of a new building and the refurbishment of a flat or a house by a contractor. In Do it your self, the pollution occurs as the owner/tenants of the house/building is the one causing the noise himself.

Construction of a new building and the refurbishment of a flat or a house by a contractor is noise that is usually emitted by contractors. The type of noise pollution occurring here is referred to as the construction of a new building. Analyzing the risk associated with noise pollution The noise being emitted from the construction site by the cranes and other construction machineries can cause devastating effects to the employees of this company, the people living within this source of pollution and even to the workers around the construction site.

Some of the effects it can cause are summarized below: First, it affects Human health, noise pollution affects human behaviour and health in several ways including, it causes lack of sleep, deafness, heart disease, Ulcers, Heart burn, indigestion, irritability and high blood pressure. Just a mere noise explosion from moving cranes and vibrating construction machineries can drastically alters human beings cardiovascular, neurological and endocrinal functions. If this is frequent or prolonged the physiological disturbance gets chronic and contributes to mental illness (Gilbert 2003 p. 3).

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