Anabolic steroid

The term anabolic steroid is used to define those compounds which are synthetically derived from testosterone. These are steroids which bring about various physiological changes, upon their consumption. They accelerate the rate of protein synthesis in the cells and thereby aid in muscle building in the body. The consumption of these compounds leads to an increase in appetite and bone growth. Owing to these qualities of anabolic steroids, these steroids are utilized by sportspersons to enhance their physical strength and performance.

The abuse of anabolic steroids by the sportspersons has created a controversy regarding the effects of these steroids on the human body, and the chances of their misuse. While discussing about the effects of the steroids, more emphasis is placed on the negative impact it has on the human body, so these steroids are viewed as harmful substances by the common public. The utility of these steroids in treating patients suffering from fatal diseases has proved that these views are erroneous.

Although anabolic steroids are viewed as harmful substances, anabolic steroids have more positive aspects than the side effects and therefore the use of anabolic steroids should be legalized for medicinal purposes. Legalization of anabolic steroids will aid in convincing the people regarding the benefits of anabolic steroids for people suffering from terminal illness. Illegal Status The increased chances of abuse of anabolic steroids and the exaggeration of its side effects have driven numerous countries and organizations to implement laws which ban the use

of anabolic steroids. Anabolic steroids are termed as illegal substances, owing to various researches which focus on its negative effects. The benefits of the anabolic steroids are overlooked due to these researches which concentrate on the side-effects caused by the consumption of anabolic steroids. Among the various side-effects of anabolic steroids that are highlighted by the researchers, the damage caused to the liver by these steroids is a misconception that has been instilled in the minds of the people by unreliable anabolic steroid research.

Roberts (2009) writes in his article that “Liver damage is probably the most sensationalized of all side effects possible from steroid use. The media often focuses on this particular problem as if it occurs with every steroid, and in every person who takes them. Nothing could be further than the truth. ” (para. 11). While studying the effects of the steroids on the human body, the researchers tend to utilize higher doses of steroids which can bring about harmful changes in the human body.

As the dose of steroids that are consumed by people is relatively lower, these researches are futile in locating the precise effects of anabolic steroids on the human body. Moreover, the outcome of these researches is influenced by the attitude of the researchers, who believe that anabolic steroids are harmful to the human body. Negative Aspects The negative aspects of anabolic steroids are given more significance while studying the effects of anabolic steroids. A large number of researches claim that anabolic steroids can cause irreversible damage to vital organs such heart, liver etc.

The researchers also point towards the negative effects of anabolic steroids on behavior of the individual, consuming these steroids. The results of these researches present anabolic steroids as harmful substances whose consumption can lead to fatal consequences. But the results of all these researches are exaggerated to convince the people regarding the toxic effects of the anabolic steroids. Casquilho (2002) mentions that “Despite this, steroids do not show marked toxicity when taken in therapeutic doses….. The practices of using this toxicity to frighten potential users of anabolic steroids have been greatly exaggerated. ” (para.

5). As the researchers are focusing on the negative aspects of the anabolic steroids, they tend to ignore the benefits of the anabolic steroids when utilized for treating diseases. Positive Aspects Although numerous researches are conducted with the aim of presenting anabolic steroids as harmful substances, there are many positive aspects of anabolic steroids. Anabolic steroids can aid in the treatment of the people suffering from fatal diseases such as Aids and cancer. As these diseases result in the weakening of bodily functions, the anabolic steroids can assist in increasing the strength and vigor of the Aids and cancer patients.

The anabolic steroids can improve the quality of the life of these patients, by enhancing their physical strength and making it possible for them to continue with their daily routine. In some cases, these anabolic steroids assist in curing the diseases. If utilized for the right purpose, anabolic steroids can be beneficial for human beings. Anabolic steroids when used for medicinal purposes can bring positive changes in the lives of the individuals who are consuming them. Legalization Anabolic steroids can be advantageous to human beings, if they are used for medicinal purposes and under the guidance of a physician.

For making the optimum use of anabolic steroids in treating diseases, it is necessary that anabolic steroids are legalized for medicinal use. The laws which ban the use of anabolic steroids, classifying them as illegal substances, restrict the medicinal use of anabolic steroids. These laws also prevent the researchers from studying the positive effects of anabolic steroids. Collins (2001) writes that “There is evidence that the tight regulations have stifled research, undermined beneficial applications, and effectively severed any connection between physicians and most steroid users.

” (para. 2). The legalization of anabolic steroids can encourage the physicians to prescribe these steroids to patients, who are in need of these steroids to overcome their medical problems. Legalization can also lead to researches being carried out to study the benefits of anabolic steroids. Conclusion Considering the benefits of the anabolic steroids for medicinal purposes, it is necessary that anabolic steroids are legalized. Legalization will aid in the maximum utilization of anabolic steroids for medicinal use.

But restrictions should be placed on the use of anabolic steroids by specifying the medical conditions and the age limits for the patients, who can be allowed to consume anabolic steroids for medicinal use. It is also necessary that more research is conducted to study the positive effects of anabolic steroids. Anabolic steroids are being presented to the world in a negative perspective by the researchers and media but if anabolic steroids are legalized than it will alter the views of the people regarding the negative effects of these steroids.

The outcome of researches, which focus on the positive aspects of anabolic steroids, can further reinforce the belief in the people that anabolic steroids can be beneficial to human beings, if used for right purpose. Works Cited Casquilho, J. (2002). Anabolic Steroids. 29 July 2009. http://www. dagnae. de/Fachthemen/HIV-Komplik_4d/Wasting. htm Collins, R. (2001). The Anabolic Steroid Control Act: The Wrong Prescription? Think Muscle. 29 July 2009. http://www. thinkmuscle. com/articles/collins/wrong-prescription. htm Roberts, A. (2009). Side Effects of Steroids. Steroid. com. 29 July 2009. http://www. steroid. com/side. php

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