An analysis of Swine flu

The headlines of any magazine, newspaper or electronic media be it websites, blogs, a web journal etc. has something about swine flu. This latest strain of the influenza virus usually found in pigs, is causing panic at an alarming rate all over the world. Cancellation of travel plans, culling of swines, banning pork etc. all seem to be the instant outcome of the so called pandemic. Research revealed that this virus is the H1N1 influenza A, commonly referred to as ‘swine flu’. It was called swine flu because tests showed that it is a lethal mutation of swine, avian, and human viruses.

Fever, runny nose, chills, body fatigue are some of the symptoms associated with this virus. Other symptoms include diarrhea and vomiting. It is contagious and spreads easily from one infected person to another through contact. Since the virus has avian and swine genetic material, the immunity of human beings is lower and therefore the flu can spread easily from one infected person to another. It was first detected in Mexico in March, 2009 and then in the United States in April. Medicines and vaccinations are being developed to contain the flu virus. Doubts are being raised as to what is the root cause of this flu virus.

Speculations are there that Smithfield Foods, the largest pork packer could be responsible. The company runs its operation in Perote, Mexico. According to statistics available, nearly 27 million hogs are slaughtered to cater to the packaged meat industry. The living conditions of these hogs according to reports provide a conducive environment for the virus to thrive. Community residents living near to the area where these operations are carried out fear that the fecal waste of the pigs is responsible for pollution of air and water which in turn is affecting humans.

The manure lagoons being created by the company’s slaughtering and rearing of hog operation attracts flies which could act as a carrier of the virus. Residents suffering from respiratory ailments blame it on the company’s incompetent handling of wastes from the hogs. The residents have asked the government to carry out investigations regarding the sanitary conditions in which these hogs are raised. The erratic climatic changes could be another reason for the birth of new strains of viruses such as the swine flu virus.

The rise in temperature, aids in development of certain species of animal and plants which in turn aid growth of variety of viruses and bacteria. The population of the disease carrying insect seems to increase due to global warming. Ecological imbalance is providing a thriving ground for animal viruses to infect humans. Another cause that these animal viruses are targeting humans is the rise in population over the year that has in turn given rise to deforestation. Forests which are the natural habitat of animals are being mowed down so that man can occupy that land.

This is leading to additional contact between animals and human thus making transmission of viruses from animal to humans easier. Meat consumption has also gone up due to the increasing magnitude of the human race. To cater to the high demand of packaged food, human, pigs and chicken are living in close proximity which facilitates exchange of viruses between them. Panic is not a solution for the worrisome viruses such as the swine flu. Neither is banning or culling of swine going to facilitate containment of the flu virus.

One needs to look beyond these measures and realize that human beings are indirectly responsible for these new threats. Human responsibility needs to re-orient itself in preservation of environment and over modernization. WE need to put the famous saying “Prevention is better than Cure” in practice to save ourselves and future generations from the attack of new strain of viruses.


Brilliant,Larry. “The Age of Pandemics”. June 9,2009. <http://online. wsj. com/article/SB124121965740478983. html>. “Key Facts About Swine Influenza”.

June 9, 2009 <http://www. cdc. gov/h1n1flu/key_facts. htm>. Lovey, Nevi. “Swine flu in Mexico linked to poorly Managed Factory Farm”. June 9, 2009 <http://ecoworldly. com/2009/04/27/swine-flu-in-mexico-linked-to-poorly-managed-factory-farms/>. Kirby, David. “Mexican Lawmaker: Factory Farms Are “Breeding Grounds” of Swine Flu Pandemic”. June 9, 2009 <http://www. huffingtonpost. com/david-kirby/mexican-lawmaker-factory_b_191579. html>. “Swine flu outbreak tests Canadian preparedness. “. June 8, 2009 <http://wfxsearchgalileo. webfeat. org/wfsearch/search? cid=11195>.

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