American psychologists

Gestaltism is another theory that has had impact on 20th century psychology. According to this theory, the whole experience is greater than the sum of its component parts. Kurt Koffka and Wolfgang Kohler, German- American psychologists, and Max Wertheimer, German psychologist, were influential in developing the gestalt school. In gestalt theory, a perception is amore than the sum of a number of sensory impressions, and is an organized and meaningful experience having a configuration, or pattern, of its own.

For example, if a light is attached to the rim of a rolling wheel, the light is perceived—in darkness—as moving in a pattern of scallops. If the light is placed on the wheel’s hub, it is perceived as moving in a straight light. But if one light is placed on the rim and another on the hub, the resulting perception is not a straight line of light moving through scallops. Instead, the rim light is perceived as revolving around the hub light. It was gloomy, cold Sunday morning. I went to the room of my parents to ask for something.

When I got there, they locked the door and I was immediately horrified. I wondered why they did it and what was my fault, have I sinned against them? Have I done wrong at my school? All these questions came popping out of my head. Then the last thing I thought was my plan to work abroad. Then they turned off the lights and let me seat in the bedside chair. My parents and I talked about my decision of going outside the country to work. They said it would be very difficult on their part because they will surely miss me but they know that I am mature and responsible enough to handle things on my own.

I was so emotional at that time that tears kept falling down my cheeks. I dearly loved my family that given a choice I wouldn’t want to leave them at all but I got to do it because I want to extend my horizon and be successful in my chosen career. I wanted to help them also financially. My dad then hugged me tight and told me not to forget to pray. He told me that only prayers can remove all fears and troubles away and when I feel like giving up I will just think of them, that they are always there at my back to support me and back me up in prayers too.

I burst out with tears and hugged them both. My mom and dad said they will always love and cherished me no matter what and that they will just support me all the way. We spent that enjoying each other’s company knowing that we are a family, and that family will always be there for us even if the sun refuses to shine, when we are left by our friends and when we are discouraged. I have always dearly loved my parents. I realized that they are my lifetime treasures and I know they are God- given gifts to me. Growing up with them was such a blessing.

They were great parents, loving and they were great providers. They never pulled me down but supported me in every endeavour I wanted to do. They let me learn my lesson but they see to it that even if I am bruised and wounded they are there for me to heal all those bruises and wounds. I learned that I am so lucky for having them as my parents. I will always be there for them even if I am away. I will never trade them for anything. My parents are my angels and I know someday I will be able to return back all the good things they have imparted on me, not just financially but emotionally as well.

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